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Chemistry Acronyms Page 32

 Acronym Meaning
BIABatch Injection Analysis
BIABioelectric Impedance Analysis
BIABiospecific Interaction Analysis
BIASBismuth-active Substance (in Surfactant Concn. Detn. In Environmental Tests)
BIBBlocked Impurity Band
BIBRABritish Industrial Biological Research Association
BICBragg Ionization Chamber
BICFETBipolar Inversion Channel Field-effect Transistor
BICINEN N Bis 2 Hydroxyethyl Glycine
BICMOSBipolar Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
BIDBrinell Indentation Diameter
BIDBackground Information Document
BIDBuoyancy Induced Dispersion
BIFBanded Iron-formation
BIFBoilers And Industrial Furnaces (USEPA Rule)
BIFETBipolar Field Effect Transistor
BIFLBurst Integrated Fluorescence Lifetime
BIG/GTBiomass Gasifier/gas Turbine (for Steam/electricity Cogeneration)
BIIRBrominated Isobutene-isoprene Rubber
BILEBeam Induced Light Emission
BIMOSBipolar Metal-oxide Semiconductor
BINDBiomolecular Interaction Network Database
BIO-FIXBiomass Foam Immobilized Extractant
BIOFORBiogenic Aerosol Formation In The Boreal Forest
BIOMEBiological Imaging And Observation/Mission To Earth
BIOMOVSBiosphere Model Validation Study
BIOSBiological Innovation For Open Society
BIOSBritish Intelligence Objectives Sub-committee
BIOSBiological Data System (file Within STORET)
BIOSISBioSciences Information Service
BIPMBureau International Des Poids Et Mesures
BIPPBoron Implanted Polysilicon Pad
BIRBaculovirus IAP Repeat
BIRDBilinear Rotation Decoupling
BIRDBlackbody Infrared Radiative Dissociation
BIRPSBritish Institutes Reflection Profiling Syndicate
BISBremsstrahlung Isochromat Spectroscopy
BISBureau Of Indian Stds.
BISBispectral Index
BIVBovine Immunodeficiency Virus
BIXEBombardment-induced X-ray Emission
BIXSBeta-ray Induced X-ray Spectrometry
BJHBopp-Jancso-Heinzinger (potential Function)
BJTBipolar Junction Transistors
BKBrinkman-Kramers (approxn. In Ion-mol. Collision Quantum Calcn.)
BK-DOKBerufkrankeit Dokumentation (German Occupational Disease Documentation)
BKCBorn-von Karman Cell (model For Electronic-structure Calcn.)
BKCMBurkhardt-Konya-Coulson-March (for Electron Momentum Densities)
BKDBackscatter Kikuchi Diffraction
BKWBobylev-Krook-Wu (method For Solving The Boltzmann Equation For A Mol. System)

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