| Acronym | Meaning |
| WPO | Wet Peroxide Oxidation [wastewater Treatment] |
| WPPD | Whole-powder-pattern Decomposition |
| WPS | Wet Powder Spraying (in Ceramics Manuf.) |
| WPT | Wave Packet Perturbation Theory |
| WQA | Water Quality Association |
| WQAS | Water Quality Analysis System (file Within STORET) |
| WQBEL | Water Quality-based Effluent Limits |
| WQC | Water Quality Criteria |
| WQCDS | Water Quality Criteria Documents |
| WQI | Water Quality Index |
| WQMP | Water Quality Management Plan |
| WQMSGL | Water Quality Modeling System For The Great Lakes |
| WQR | Waste Form Qualification Report |
| WQS | Water Quality Standard |
| WRAC | Waste Reduction Audit Checklist (component Of WRAS) |
| WRAP | Waste Receiving And Processing |
| WRAP | Waste Reduction And Prevention Act (Manitoba |
| WRAQS | Western Regional Air Quality Study |
| WRAS | Waste Reduction Advisory System |
| WRC | Water Resources Council |
| WRDC | Wright Research And Development Center |
| WRIB | Waste Reduction Information Bibliography (component Of WRAS) |
| WRITE | Waste Reduction Innovative Technology Evaluation (US EPA) |
| WRV | Water Retention Value [of Cellulose Pulps For Paper Manufacture] |
| WSAP | Weighted Sensitivity Analysis Program |
| WSATI-WQ | Weighted Species Association Tolerance Index-water Quality |
| WSC | World Semiconductor Council |
| WSC | Water Soluble Carbodiimide |
| WSC | Water Soluble Carbohydrate |
| WSD | Water Saturation Deficit |
| WSD | Wear Scar Diameter |
| WSDA | Weighted Spin-density Approxn. |
| WSE | Wool Scouring Effluent |
| WSF | Water Soluble Fraction |
| WSGR | Water Gas Shift Reaction |
| WSHS | Watershed Hydrologic System |
| WSI | Wafer Scale Integration |
| WSI | Water Sediment Interface |
| WSIA | Water Supply Improvement Association |
| WSM | Watershed Model |
| WSOC | Water-soluble Organic Carbon |
| WSOEA | Wallace Second-order Eikonal Approximation |
| WSPA | Western State Petroleum Association |
| WSSA | Weed Science Society Of America |
| WSTCM | Watson-sphere Terminated Cluster Model (in Electronic-structure Calcns. On Crystal Defects) |
| WT | Wild Type |
| WTA | Wind Trajectory Analysis (for Airborne Particulate Samples) |
| WTE | Waste-To-Energy Facility |
| WTIE | Wastewater Treatment And Information Exchange |
| WTP | Willingness To Pay |