| Acronym | Meaning |
| WHMO | Wolfsberg-Helmholz Molecular Orbital |
| WHO | World Health Organization |
| WHOI | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute |
| WHPA | Wellhead Protection Areas |
| WHSV | Wt. Hourly Space Velocity |
| WHV | Woodchuck Hepatitis Virus |
| WHWT | Water And Hazardous Waste Team |
| WIC | Washington Information Center |
| WICEM | World Industry Conference On Environmental Management |
| WIG | W-inert Gas Welding |
| WILDCAT | Warning And Identification Lidar Detector For Countering Agent Threats |
| WILT | Waste Interface Leaching Test |
| WIMP | Weakly Interacting Massive Particles |
| WIMP | Wireless Implanted Magnetic Resonance Probes |
| WINDEP | Worksheet-Integrated Deposition Estn. Program |
| WINDII | Wind Imaging Interferometer |
| WINDS | Wideband Internetworking Engineering Test And Demonstration Satellite |
| WINS | Well Impactor Ninety-Six |
| WIPO | World Intellectual Property Organization |
| WIPP | Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (for Nuclear Wastes) |
| WISE | Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer |
| WISE | Wide Line Separation (NMR Technique) |
| WKB | Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (phase-shift Formula For Potential Scattering) |
| WLA | Waste Load Allocation |
| WLAN | Wireless Local Area Network |
| WLE | Wigner-Liouville Equation (in Study Of Quantum Dynamics) |
| WLF | Williams-Ferry-Landel [viscosity Math. Relation/parameter] |
| WLIMS | Wet Low Intensity Magnetic Separation |
| WLM | Working Level Month (for Radiation Exposure) |
| WLN | Washington Library Network |
| WM | Waste Minimization |
| WMAC | Waste Minimization Assessment Center |
| WMAP | Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe |
| WMMA | Waste Materials Management Act |
| WMO | World Meteorological Organization |
| WMT | Warped Muffin-tin Approximation |
| WMTADS | Waste Management Technology Analysis Decision Support |
| WNL | Within Normal Limits |
| WNV | West Nile Virus |
| WOCE | World Ocean Circulation Experiment |
| WOHL | Wisconsin Occupational Health Laboratory |
| WORM | Write Once Read Many |
| WOUDC | World Ozone And UV Data Center |
| WPAC | Working Party On Analytical Chemistry |
| WPB | Within Plate Basalts |
| WPCF | Water Pollution Control Federation |
| WPCP | Water Pollution Control Plant |
| WPCR | Water Pollution Control Research (US EPA) |
| WPI | Waste Policy Institute |
| WPI | Whey Protein Isolate |