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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 284

 Acronym Meaning
WHMOWolfsberg-Helmholz Molecular Orbital
WHOWorld Health Organization
WHOIWoods Hole Oceanographic Institute
WHPAWellhead Protection Areas
WHSVWt. Hourly Space Velocity
WHVWoodchuck Hepatitis Virus
WHWTWater And Hazardous Waste Team
WICWashington Information Center
WICEMWorld Industry Conference On Environmental Management
WIGW-inert Gas Welding
WILDCATWarning And Identification Lidar Detector For Countering Agent Threats
WILTWaste Interface Leaching Test
WIMPWeakly Interacting Massive Particles
WIMPWireless Implanted Magnetic Resonance Probes
WINDEPWorksheet-Integrated Deposition Estn. Program
WINDIIWind Imaging Interferometer
WINDSWideband Internetworking Engineering Test And Demonstration Satellite
WINSWell Impactor Ninety-Six
WIPOWorld Intellectual Property Organization
WIPPWaste Isolation Pilot Plant (for Nuclear Wastes)
WISEWide-field Infrared Survey Explorer
WISEWide Line Separation (NMR Technique)
WKBWentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (phase-shift Formula For Potential Scattering)
WLAWaste Load Allocation
WLANWireless Local Area Network
WLEWigner-Liouville Equation (in Study Of Quantum Dynamics)
WLFWilliams-Ferry-Landel [viscosity Math. Relation/parameter]
WLIMSWet Low Intensity Magnetic Separation
WLMWorking Level Month (for Radiation Exposure)
WLNWashington Library Network
WMWaste Minimization
WMACWaste Minimization Assessment Center
WMAPWilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe
WMMAWaste Materials Management Act
WMOWorld Meteorological Organization
WMTWarped Muffin-tin Approximation
WMTADSWaste Management Technology Analysis Decision Support
WNLWithin Normal Limits
WNVWest Nile Virus
WOCEWorld Ocean Circulation Experiment
WOHLWisconsin Occupational Health Laboratory
WORMWrite Once Read Many
WOUDCWorld Ozone And UV Data Center
WPACWorking Party On Analytical Chemistry
WPBWithin Plate Basalts
WPCFWater Pollution Control Federation
WPCPWater Pollution Control Plant
WPCRWater Pollution Control Research (US EPA)
WPIWaste Policy Institute
WPIWhey Protein Isolate

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