| Acronym | Meaning |
| UQ-NG | Uniform-quality (basis Set) Constructed With A Number (n) Of Gaussian (g) Functions |
| UQCISD | Unrestricted Quadratic Ci (with) Single (and) Double (excitations) |
| URA | Universities Research Association |
| URF | Unit Risk Factor |
| URG | Umweltrahmengesetz (German Environmental Protection Framework Law) |
| URIF | Uniformly Retreating Ice Front [in Model Of Dehydration] |
| URT | Upper Respiratory Tract |
| URV | Unit Risk Value |
| USABC | United States Advanced Battery Consortium |
| USACE | US Army Corp Of Engineers |
| USAN | US Adopted Names (for Drugs) |
| USANS | Ultra-small-angle Neutron Scattering |
| USATHAMA | US Army Toxic And Hazardous Materials Agency |
| USB | Universal Serial Bus |
| USBM | US Bureau Of Mines |
| USCAR | United States Council For Automotive Research |
| USCE | US Army Corps Of Engineers |
| USCM | Unified Solvation Cavity Model |
| USDA | United States Department Of Agriculture |
| USDI | US Department Of Interior |
| USDW | Underground Source Drinking Water |
| USEPA | United States Environmental Protection Agency |
| USGCRP | U.S. Global Change Research Program |
| USGE | Ultrathin Slab Gel Electrophoresis |
| USGS | United States Geological Survey |
| USJ | Ultra-shallow Junction |
| USLE | Universal Soil Loss Equation (erosion Model) |
| USMAR | Upflow Static-Media Anaerobic Reactor |
| USN | Ultrasonic Nebulizer |
| USP | United States Pharmacopeia |
| USPC | Unoccupied-states Potential Correction |
| USPHS | United States Public Health Service |
| USPIO | Ultrasmall Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide |
| USRA | Universities Space Research Association |
| UST | Underground Storage Tank |
| USTCS | Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Section |
| USTR | US Transuranium Registry |
| USW | Ultrasonic Welding |
| UTAO | Undistorted Traveling Atomic Orbital |
| UTI | Urinary Tract Infection |
| UTI | Urinary Trypsin Inhibitor |
| UTL | Upper Tolerance Limit |
| UTLA | Ultra Thin Layer Activation |
| UTMS | Universal Mobile Telecommunications System |
| UTP | Unitary Transformation (based) Perturbation (theory) |
| UTP | Uridine 5'-triphosphate |
| UTR | Untranslated Region |
| UTS | Ultimate Tensile Strength |
| UVAS | UV Absorption Spectroscopy |
| UVBIS | Ultraviolet Bremsstrahlung Isochromat Spectroscopy |