| Acronym | Meaning |
| TPSR | Temp.-programmed Surface Reaction |
| TPSSIMS | Temperature Programmed Static Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry |
| TPU | Thermoplastic Polyurethane |
| TPV | Thermoplastic Vulcanizate |
| TPW | Transformed Plane Wave Method |
| TPY | Total Photon Yield |
| TQCM | Temperature-controlled Quartz Crystal Microbalance |
| TQEM | Total Quality Environmental Management |
| TQM | Total Quality Management |
| TRACE | Transport And Atmospheric Chemistry Near The Equator |
| TRACE-P | Transport And Chemical Evolution Over The Pacific |
| TRACECA | Transport Corridor Europe Caucasus Asia |
| TRACS | Trends In Atmospheric Constituents Study |
| TRAF | Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor-associated Factor |
| TRAIL | Tumor Necrosis Factor Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand |
| TRAM | TRansient And Accident Management |
| TRAMP | Terrestrial Radioactivity Monitoring Programme |
| TRANES | Time-resolved Area Normalized Emission Spectroscopy |
| TRAP | Tartrate-resistant Acid Phosphatase |
| TRAP | Telomeric Repeat Amplification Protocol |
| TRAPDOR | Transfer Of Populations In Double Resonance |
| TRAXS | Total Reflection Angle X-ray Spectroscopy |
| TRC | Total Residual Chlorine |
| TRCF | Transcription-repair Coupling Factor |
| TRD | Transition Radiation Detector |
| TRDS | Text Retrieval Data System |
| TRE | Total Resource Effectiveness |
| TRE | Toxicity Reduction Evaluation |
| TREF | Temperature Rising Elution Fractionation |
| TRELIBS | Time Resolved Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy |
| TREPR | Time-resolved Electron Paramagnetic Resonance |
| TRES | Time-resolved Emission Spectroscopy |
| TRESR | Time-resolved Electron Spin Resonance |
| TRFIA | Time-resolved Fluorescence Immunoassay |
| TRFQ | Time-resolved Fluorescence Quenching |
| TRI | Toxic Release Inventory |
| TRI-US | Toxic Release Inventory-User Support |
| TRIGA | Training, Research, Isotopes, General Atomic (nuclear Fuel) |
| TRIM | Total Risk Integrated Methodology |
| TRIM | Transport Of Ions In Matter |
| TRIP | Transformation Induced Plasticity |
| TRIPAS | Time-resolved Impulse Photoacoustic Spectra |
| TRIPS | Trade-Related Aspects Of Intellectual Property Rights |
| TRIPS | Trade-Related Aspects Of Intellectual Property Rights |
| TRIPS | Trade-Related Aspects Of Intellectual Property Rights |
| TRIPS | Trade-Related Aspects Of Intellectual Property Rights |
| TRIR | Time-resolved IR |
| TRIS | Toxic Release Inventory System |
| TRIUMF | Tri-University Meson Facility |
| TRK | Tyrosine Kinase |