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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 271

 Acronym Meaning
TPSRTemp.-programmed Surface Reaction
TPSSIMSTemperature Programmed Static Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
TPUThermoplastic Polyurethane
TPVThermoplastic Vulcanizate
TPWTransformed Plane Wave Method
TPYTotal Photon Yield
TQCMTemperature-controlled Quartz Crystal Microbalance
TQEMTotal Quality Environmental Management
TQMTotal Quality Management
TRACETransport And Atmospheric Chemistry Near The Equator
TRACE-PTransport And Chemical Evolution Over The Pacific
TRACECATransport Corridor Europe Caucasus Asia
TRACSTrends In Atmospheric Constituents Study
TRAFTumor Necrosis Factor Receptor-associated Factor
TRAILTumor Necrosis Factor Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand
TRAMTRansient And Accident Management
TRAMPTerrestrial Radioactivity Monitoring Programme
TRANESTime-resolved Area Normalized Emission Spectroscopy
TRAPTartrate-resistant Acid Phosphatase
TRAPTelomeric Repeat Amplification Protocol
TRAPDORTransfer Of Populations In Double Resonance
TRAXSTotal Reflection Angle X-ray Spectroscopy
TRCTotal Residual Chlorine
TRCFTranscription-repair Coupling Factor
TRDTransition Radiation Detector
TRDSText Retrieval Data System
TRETotal Resource Effectiveness
TREToxicity Reduction Evaluation
TREFTemperature Rising Elution Fractionation
TRELIBSTime Resolved Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
TREPRTime-resolved Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
TRESTime-resolved Emission Spectroscopy
TRESRTime-resolved Electron Spin Resonance
TRFIATime-resolved Fluorescence Immunoassay
TRFQTime-resolved Fluorescence Quenching
TRIToxic Release Inventory
TRI-USToxic Release Inventory-User Support
TRIGATraining, Research, Isotopes, General Atomic (nuclear Fuel)
TRIMTotal Risk Integrated Methodology
TRIMTransport Of Ions In Matter
TRIPTransformation Induced Plasticity
TRIPASTime-resolved Impulse Photoacoustic Spectra
TRIPSTrade-Related Aspects Of Intellectual Property Rights
TRIPSTrade-Related Aspects Of Intellectual Property Rights
TRIPSTrade-Related Aspects Of Intellectual Property Rights
TRIPSTrade-Related Aspects Of Intellectual Property Rights
TRIRTime-resolved IR
TRISToxic Release Inventory System
TRIUMFTri-University Meson Facility
TRKTyrosine Kinase

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