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Chemistry Acronyms Page 27

 Acronym Meaning
AVSAcid Volatile Sulfide
AVTArginine Vasotocin
AWBERCAndrew W. Breidenbach Environmental Research Center (US EPA)
AWCCActive Well Coincidence Counter
AWFCOAutomatic Waste Feed Cutoff
AWGAmerican Wire Gauge
AWGArrayed Waveguide Grating
AWIAir Water Interface
AWJAbrasive Waterjet
AWMAbrasive Waterjet Machining
AWMAverage Wave Function Method (in Calcns. On Scattering)
AWMAAir And Waste Management Association
AWPCFAir And Water Pollution Control Facilities
AWQCAmbient Water Quality Criteria
AWRAAmerican Water Resources Association
AWREAtomic Weapons Research Establishment
AWRGAcid Waters Review Group (UK)
AWSAmerican Welding Society
AWSARAnnual Whole Sludge Application Rate
AWTAdvanced Wastewater Treatment
AWWAAmerican Water Works Association
AWWARFAmerican Water Works Association Research Foundation
AXAFAdvanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility
AXSAnomalous X-ray Scattering
B/FBag Filter
B1B(coulomb) Boundary-corrected First Born (for Scattering)
B2BBoundary(-corrected) Second Born (for Scattering)
B3LYPA Density Functional Method Due To Lee
BABest Atom (basis Set)
BA + PBest Atom + Polarization Function
BAAQMDBay Area Air Quality Management District
BABBBack Arc Basin Basalt
BABEBio-Augmentation Batch Enhanced
BACBacterial Artificial Chromosome
BACBiological Activated Carbon
BAC-MP4Bond-additivity-corrected Moeller-Plesset 4th-order Perturbation
BACERBiological And Climatological Effects Research
BACMBest Available Control Measure
BACRBritish Association For Cancer Research
BACTBest Available Control Technology
BADGEBisphenol A Diglycidyl Ether
BADGERBay Area Digital Geo-Resource
BADTBest Available Demonstrated Technology
BAEPBrainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials
BAERBrainstem Auditory Evoked Response
BAFBioaccumulation Factor
BAFBiological Aerated Filter
BAFFB-cell Activating Factor
BAGIBackscatter Absorption Gas Imaging
BAHCBiospheric Aspects Of The Hydrological Cycle

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