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Chemistry Acronyms Page 263

 Acronym Meaning
TBBATightly-bound-on-the-bond Approxn. (band Structure Crystal)
TBBMTight-binding Bond Model
TBCThermal Barrier Coating
TBCToxicity Based Consent
TBCTwo-beam Coupling
TBEHTight-binding Extended Hueckel (extended Hueckel Tight-binding)
TBLMTOTight-binding Linear (combination Of) Muffin-tin Orbitals
TBMThyssen Blowing Metallurgy
TBMTight Binding Model
TBMDTight-binding Molecular Dynamics
TBNTotal Base Number
TBNEMTight-binding Nearly Free Electron Model
TBPTATA-box Binding Protein
TBPTributyl Phosphate
TBSIN-tert-butyl-2-benzothiazyl Sulfenimide
TBTTributyl Tin
TBTETight-binding Total-energy (calcn. Method)
TBUTertiary Building Unit
TBWTotal Body Water
TBWTotal Body Weight
TCToxicity Characteristic
TC-GMETime-convolution Generalize Master Equation (in Quantum Tunneling Calcns.)
TC-LIGSTwo-color Laser-induced Grating Spectroscopy
TC/MSThermal Chromatography/mass Spectrometry
TCATotal Constituent Analysis
TCATraveling-cluster Approximation (a Generalization Of CPA For Electronic-structure Of Alloys)
TCATrichloroacetic Acid
TCATurbulent Contact Absorber
TCCThermofor Catalytic Cracking
TCCThermal Contact Cracking
TCCLToxic Chemicals Control Law (Korea)
TCDThermal Conductivity Detector (for Gas Chromatography)
TCDETwo-center Dirac Equation
TCDFTTwo-component Density Functional Theory
TCDWTarget Continuum Distorted-wave (in At.-collision Calcns.)
TCDW1Target Continuum Distorted-wave 1st-order (for At. Collisions)
TCEQTexas Commission On Environmental Quality
TCFT Cell Factor
TCFTotally Chlorine-free [in Pulp Industry]
TCGFT Cell Growth Factor
TCID5050% Tissue Culture Infective Dose
TCJJPTech. Committee For Juice And Juice Products
TCL-GMETime-convolutionless Generalized Master Equation (in Quantum Tunneling Calcns.)
TCLEThermal Coefficient Of Linear Expansion
TCLPToxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure
TCMTotal Capacitance Method
TCMTransport Control Measures
TCMTunneling Current Microscopy
TCOTransparent Conducting Oxide

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