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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 261

 Acronym Meaning
SVGScalable Vector Graphics
SVISludge Volume Index
SVLSingle Vibrational Level
SVMState Variable Model
SVMSupport Vector Machine
SVMScanning Viscoelasticity Microscopy
SVMPSnake Venom Metalloproteinases
SVOCSemivolatile Organic Compounds
SVPSchwinger Variational Principle
SVRSystemic Vascular Resistance
SVTSilicon Vertex Tracker
SW X(ALPHA)Scattered Wave X(alpha)
SWASlow-wave Activity
SWAGSimulated Waste Access To Groundwater
SWANSolar Wind Anisotropies
SWANASolid Waste Association Of North America
SWAPSolid Waste Assistance Program
SWAPSurface Water Acidification Project
SWASVSquare-wave Anodic Stripping Voltammetry
SWATSoil Water Assessment Tool
SWCSVSquare-wave Cathodic Stripping Voltammetry
SWESnowpack Water Equivalent
SWEPPStored Waste Examination Pilot Plant
SWFMScanning Work Function Microscopy
SWICHSolid Waste Information Clearinghouse And Hotline
SWICSSolar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer
SWIFTSandia Waste-Isolation Flow And Transport Model
SWIFTStored Wave-form Inverse Fourier Transform
SWIRShort Wave Infrared
SWIRLSStratospheric Wind IR Limb Sounder
SWKBSupersymmetric Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (quantum Method)
SWMStatistical Wave Function Model (for Highly Excited Vibrational Levels Of Mols.)
SWMMStormwater Management Model
SWMUSolid Waste Management Unit(s)
SWNTSingle-wall Nanotube
SWORDSurveillance Of Work Related And Occupational Respiratory Disease
SWPPPStormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
SWRStanding Wave Ratio
SWROSeawater Reverse Osmosis
SWRRBSimulation For Water Resources In Rural Basins
SWSASolid Waste Storage Area
SWSVSquare-wave Stripping Voltammetry
SWTRSurface Water Treatment Rule
SWVSquare Wave Voltammetry
SWVPScattered Wave Variational Principle
SXAPSSoft X-ray Appearance Potential Spectroscopy
SXESSoft X-ray Emission Spectroscopy
SXMScanning X-ray Microscope
SXNOSingly Excited Natural Orbital
SXPLSoft X-ray Projection Lithography

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