| Acronym | Meaning |
| SVG | Scalable Vector Graphics |
| SVI | Sludge Volume Index |
| SVL | Single Vibrational Level |
| SVM | State Variable Model |
| SVM | Support Vector Machine |
| SVM | Scanning Viscoelasticity Microscopy |
| SVMP | Snake Venom Metalloproteinases |
| SVOC | Semivolatile Organic Compounds |
| SVP | Schwinger Variational Principle |
| SVR | Systemic Vascular Resistance |
| SVT | Silicon Vertex Tracker |
| SW X(ALPHA) | Scattered Wave X(alpha) |
| SWA | Slow-wave Activity |
| SWAG | Simulated Waste Access To Groundwater |
| SWAN | Solar Wind Anisotropies |
| SWANA | Solid Waste Association Of North America |
| SWAP | Solid Waste Assistance Program |
| SWAP | Surface Water Acidification Project |
| SWASV | Square-wave Anodic Stripping Voltammetry |
| SWAT | Soil Water Assessment Tool |
| SWCSV | Square-wave Cathodic Stripping Voltammetry |
| SWE | Snowpack Water Equivalent |
| SWEPP | Stored Waste Examination Pilot Plant |
| SWFM | Scanning Work Function Microscopy |
| SWICH | Solid Waste Information Clearinghouse And Hotline |
| SWICS | Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer |
| SWIFT | Sandia Waste-Isolation Flow And Transport Model |
| SWIFT | Stored Wave-form Inverse Fourier Transform |
| SWIR | Short Wave Infrared |
| SWIRLS | Stratospheric Wind IR Limb Sounder |
| SWKB | Supersymmetric Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (quantum Method) |
| SWM | Statistical Wave Function Model (for Highly Excited Vibrational Levels Of Mols.) |
| SWMM | Stormwater Management Model |
| SWMU | Solid Waste Management Unit(s) |
| SWNT | Single-wall Nanotube |
| SWORD | Surveillance Of Work Related And Occupational Respiratory Disease |
| SWPPP | Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan |
| SWR | Standing Wave Ratio |
| SWRO | Seawater Reverse Osmosis |
| SWRRB | Simulation For Water Resources In Rural Basins |
| SWSA | Solid Waste Storage Area |
| SWSV | Square-wave Stripping Voltammetry |
| SWTR | Surface Water Treatment Rule |
| SWV | Square Wave Voltammetry |
| SWVP | Scattered Wave Variational Principle |
| SXAPS | Soft X-ray Appearance Potential Spectroscopy |
| SXES | Soft X-ray Emission Spectroscopy |
| SXM | Scanning X-ray Microscope |
| SXNO | Singly Excited Natural Orbital |
| SXPL | Soft X-ray Projection Lithography |