| Acronym | Meaning |
| STP | Standard Temperature And Pressure |
| STPD | Short Ton/day |
| STPF | Stabilized-temperature Platform Furnace |
| STPM | Scanning Thermopower Microscopy |
| STR | Short Tandem Repeat |
| STRAT | Stratospheric Tracers Of Atmospheric Transport |
| STREAM | Stream Transport And Agricultural Runoff Of Pesticides For Exposure Assessment Methodology |
| STRP | Short Tandem Repeat Polymorphism |
| STS | Slater Transition State (for Calcg. Electronic Transitions Of Atoms And Molecules) |
| STS | Space Transportation System |
| STS | Scanning Tunnelling Spectroscopy |
| STS | Sequence-tagged Site |
| STS | Surface Tunnelling Spectroscopy |
| STT | Surface Tension Transfer |
| STW | Surface Transverse Wave |
| STXM | Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscope |
| SU | Standard Unit |
| SU-MRCC | State Universal-multireference Coupled Cluster |
| SUCCESS | Subsonic Aircraft: Contrail And Cloud Effects Special Study |
| SUE | Sudden Expansion Burner |
| SULEV | Super Low Emission Vehicle |
| SULEV | Super Ultra-low Emission Vehicle |
| SUMER | Solar UV Measurements Of Emitted Radiation |
| SUMO | Small Ubiquitin-related Modifier |
| SUMP | Spin-constrained Unrestricted Moeller-Plesset |
| SUP-CI | Superdirect CI |
| SUPER | Subarctic Pacific Ecosystem Research Program |
| SUPERDARN | Super Dual Auroral Radar Network |
| SUPREX | Stability Of Unpurified Proteins From Rates Of H/D Exchange |
| SURE | Sulfate Regional Experiment |
| SURF III | Synchrotron UV Radiation Facility (at NIST) |
| SUS | Saybolt Unit Seconds (viscosity Measurement) |
| SUSIM | Solar Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Monitor |
| SUSTECH | Sustainable Technologies Initiative [European Communities] |
| SUSYQM | Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics |
| SUTRA | Saturated Unsaturated Transport Model |
| SUV | Small Unilamellar Vesicle |
| SUV | Standardized Uptake Value |
| SUVA | Specific UV Absorbance |
| SUVR | Solar Ultraviolet Radiation |
| SV | Sampling Visit |
| SV | Space Velocity |
| SVC | Saturated Vapor Concentration (air Sampling) |
| SVC | Semivolatile Organic Compound |
| SVCA | Soil Vapor Contaminant Assessment |
| SVE | Selected Valence Electron Model |
| SVE | Soil Vapor Extraction |
| SVEA | Slowly Varying Envelope Approximation |
| SVESS | Selected Valence-electron Split-shell Method (MO) |
| SVET | Scanning Vibrating Electrode Technique |