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Chemistry Acronyms Page 252

 Acronym Meaning
SOStieltjes Orbitals (for Mol. Photoionization Continua)
SO SCFSpin-optimized Self-consistent Field
SO-LAPWSpin-orbit (coupling) Linearized Augmented Plane Wave
SOASecondary Organic Aerosols
SOASemiconductor Optical Amplifier
SOAPSpectrometric Oil Analysis Program
SOBOSpin-orbit (coupled) Bond Orbital
SOCSemivolatile Organic Compound
SOCSuperposition Of Configurations (wave Functions)
SOCSynthetic Organic Chemical
SOCABSouth Coast Air Basin
SOCISociety Of Chemical Industry
SOCISecond-order Configuration Interaction
SOCISpin-orbit Configuration Interaction
SOCIStandard Optimum Control [structure With] Integral [action]
SOCMISynthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry
SOCOSecond-order Correlation Orbital
SOCSSuppressor Of Cytokine Signaling
SODSediment Oxygen Demand
SODSuperoxide Dismutase
SODARSound Detection And Ranging (meteorological Instrument)
SODARTSoviet Danish Roentgen Telescope
SODWSecond-order Distorted Wave (in Electron-atom Scattering)
SOEFSpecific Odor Emission Factor (odor Source Evaluation)
SOEHScaled One-electron Hamiltonian (in SCF Calcns. On Mols.)
SOFSoluble Organic Fraction
SOFARSound Fixing And Ranging
SOFCSolid Oxide Fuel Cell
SOFIAStratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy
SOGVBSpin Optimized Generalized Valence Bond Method
SOGVBStrongly-orthogonal Generalized Valence-bond (wave Function)
SOHICStress-oriented Hydrogen-induced Cracking
SOHOSolar And Heliosphere Observatory
SOISilicon On Insulator
SOICSmall Outline Integrated Circuit
SOILVENTSoil Venting Model
SOLASSurface Ocean-lower Atmosphere Study
SOLEDStacked Organic Light Emitting Device
SOLOSecond-order Correlated Localized Orbital-local Origin (method)
SOLSEShuttle Ozone Limb Sounding Experiment
SOLSTICESolar Stellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment
SOLVESAGE III Ozone Loss And Validation Experiment
SOMSoil Organic Matter
SOMScanning Optical Microscope
SOMSelf-organizing Map
SOMBTSecond-order Many-body Theory
SOMBTSpin-orbital Many-body Theory
SOMOSemioccupied Molecular Orbital
SOMOSingly Occupied Molecular Orbital
SONSupraoptic Nucleus

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