| Acronym | Meaning |
| SISF | Superlattice Intrinsic Stacking Fault |
| SITE | Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation |
| SIV | Simian Immunodeficiency Virus |
| SIVE | Steam Injection And Vacuum Extn. (hazardous Waste Treatment) |
| SIXA | Silicon X-ray Array |
| SKPM | Scanning Kelvin Probe Microscopy |
| SKVP | S-matrix (version Of) Kohn Variational Principle |
| SKY | Spectral Karyotyping |
| SLA | Special Libraries Association |
| SLA | Scanning Laser Ablation |
| SLAC | Stanford Linear Accelerator Center |
| SLAIS | SAW Liquid Analyzing And Identifying System |
| SLAM | Scanning Laser Acoustic Microscopy |
| SLAMS | State And Local Air Monitoring System |
| SLAP | Standard Light Antarctic Precipitation |
| SLAPS | Superconducting Large Area Phonon Sensors |
| SLAPW | Superlinearized Augmented Plane Wave |
| SLAPW | Surface Linearized Augmented Plane Wave |
| SLAR | Side Looking Airborne Radar |
| SLBO | Strictly Localized Bond Orbital |
| SLC | SLAC Linear Collider |
| SLD | Superluminescent Diode |
| SLE | Solid-liquid Equilibria |
| SLE | Stochastic Liouville Equation (in Quantum Statistical Mechanics) |
| SLE | Systemic Lupus Erythematosus |
| SLEAF | Scanning Laser Environmental Airborne Fluorosensor |
| SLED | Superluminescent Light Emitting Diode |
| SLEEM | Scanning Laser-enhanced Electrochemical Microscopy |
| SLEEP | Scanning Low Energy Electron Probe |
| SLF | Slater-Laguerre (hydrogenic-type Wave) Function |
| SLG | Strictly Localized Geminal |
| SLI | Somatic Liver Index |
| SLI | Starter Light Ignition (lead Batteries) |
| SLIME | Spin-locked Inversion Mid-echo |
| SLIT | Solid-liq. Intermol. Transfer |
| SLM | Spatial Light Modulator |
| SLM | Supported Liquid Membranes |
| SLMO | Strictly Localized Molecular Orbital |
| SLMO | Symmetry-adapted Localized Molecular Orbital |
| SLMO | Symmetry-adapted Semilocalized Molecular Orbital |
| SLMTO | Surface Linear (combination) Of Muffin-tin Orbitals |
| SLO | Strictly Localized Orbital |
| SLP | Sea Level Pressure |
| SLP | Static Linear Polarization |
| SLPI | Secretory Leukocyte Protease Inhibitor |
| SLPM | Standard Liters Per Minute |
| SLR | State And Local Relations |
| SLR | Spin-lattice Relaxation |
| SLRS | Selective Laser Reactive Sintering |
| SLS | Selective Laser Sintering |