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Chemistry Acronyms Page 245

 Acronym Meaning
SEMPAScanning Electron Microscopy With Polarization Analysis
SEMPISingly Excited Modified Perturbation Theory
SENSubmerged Entry Nozzle
SENBSingle Edge Notched Beam
SENDSurfaces Enhanced For Neat Desorption
SENSORSentinel Event Notification Systems For Occupational Risks
SEPSolar Energetic Particle (event)
SEPStandard Error Of Prediction
SEPStimulated Emission Pumping
SEPAState Environmental Policy Act
SEPARSurfaces Enhanced For Photolabile Attachment And Release
SEPPState Environmental Protection Plan
SEPTSecular Equation (with) Perturbation Theory
SERASequential Electrochemical Reduction Analysis
SERCState Emergency Response Commission
SERDPStrategic Environmental Research And Development Program
SERDSShifted Excitation Raman Difference Spectroscopy
SEREXSerological Identification Of Antigens By Recombinant Expre
SERHFSymmetry-equivalenced Restricted Hartree-Fock
SERISolar Energy Research Institute
SERMSelective Estrogen Receptor Modulator
SERODSSurface-Enhanced Raman Optical Data Storage
SERONSouthern Regional Oxidant Network
SERRSSurface-Enhanced Resonance Raman Spectroscopy
SERSSurface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
SERTSerotonin Transporter
SESSurface Electronic State
SESAMSemiconductor Saturable Absorber Mirror
SESAMESecond European Stratospheric Arctic And Midlatitude Experiment
SESAMESimulation Of Electron Transport Supporting Analysis Of Materials
SESAOSemiempirical Scaled Atomic Orbital
SESCAScanning Electron Spectroscopy For Chemical Applications
SESFSuperlattice Extrinsic Stacking Fault
SESFODSelective Excitation With Single Frequency Off Resonance Decoupling
SESMOSemiempirical Scaled Molecular Orbital
SESRSolvent Extraction And Soil Remediation
SETSingle Electron Transfer
SETSingle Electron Transistor
SETSingle Electron Tunneling
SETACSociety Of Environmental Toxicology And Chemistry
SETBSemiempirical Tight Binding
SETMStatistical Electron Transfer Model (for Electron-exchange Collisions)
SETOCInternational Sediment Exchange For Tests On Organic Contaminants
SETSSuperfund Enforcement Tracking System
SEUSelective Excitation Unit
SEUSingle Event Upset (in Spacecraft Power Systems)
SEVBSemiempirical Valence Bond
SEWSite Electron-density Wave
SEXAFSSurface-extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure
SF CCSpace-fixed Close-coupled (equation

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