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Chemistry Acronyms Page 244

 Acronym Meaning
SEA WIFSSea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor
SEACSurface-enhanced Affinity Capture
SEAMSuperfund Exposure Assessment Manual
SEAMScanning Electron Acoustic Microscopy
SEAMOSSingle-excitations-adapted Molecular Orbitals
SEARSurfactant-enhanced Aquifer Remediation
SEAREXSea/Air Exchange Program
SEAWIFSSea Viewing Wide Field Of View Sensor
SEBStaphylococcal Enterotoxin B
SECSize Exclusion Chromatography
SECScaled External Correlation (extrapolation Method In CI Calcn.)
SECSulfite Evaporator Condensate
SECHScreened Exchange Plus Coulomb Hole Method
SECISingle Excitation Configuration Interaction
SECMScanning Electrochemical Microscopy
SECSSimulation And Evaluation Of Chemical Synthesis
SECVStandard Error Of Cross-validation
SECWAState Energy Commission Of Western Australia
SEDSpectral Energy Distribution
SEDSurface-conduction Electron-emitter Display
SEDACSocioeconomic Data And Applications Center
SEDEXSedimentary Exhalative
SEDMState/EPA Data Management
SEDMSelective Excitation Double Moessbauer
SEDORSpin-echo Double Resonance
SEDRASimple Excitation For The Dephasing Of Rotational-echo Amplitudes
SEESpace Environment And Effects
SEESecondary Electron Emission
SEEStandard Error Of Estimate
SEEStatic Exact Exchange (approxn. In Electron-mol. Scattering)
SEEDSelf Electro-optic Effect Device
SEELFSSurface Extended-energy-loss Fine-structure
SEESRSimultaneous Electrochemical-electron Spin Resonance
SEGDSurfactant-enhanced Gravity Drainage [as Of Subsurface Contaminants]
SEGHSociety For Environmental Geochemistry And Health
SEGSSolar Electric Generating System
SEHFSpin-extended Hartree-Fock
SEHRRSSurface Enhanced HyperRaman Resonance Spectroscopy
SEHRSSurface-enhanced Hyper-Raman Scattering
SEISecondary Electron Imaging
SEIRASurface-enhanced Infrared Absorption
SELStacked Elemental Layer (vapor Deposition Technique)
SELSurface Emitting Laser
SELDISurface-enhanced Laser Desorption Ionization Spectrometry
SELEXSystematic Evolution Of Ligands By Exponential Enrichment
SEMScanning Electron Microscopy
SEMStd. Error Of The Mean
SEMStrategic Environmental Management
SEMCScaled Ensemble Monte Carlo
SEMISemiconductor Equipment And Materials Institute

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