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Chemistry Acronyms Page 243

 Acronym Meaning
SCUVSStratospheric Climatology Using UV/Visible Spectroscopy
SCWOSupercritical Water Oxidation
SDStd. Deviation
SD-MBPTSingle (and) Double (substituted States) Many-body Perturbation Theory
SD-POESigma-dependent Pi-orbital Electronegativity Model
SDASpray Drying Absorber
SDASubsurface Disposal Area
SDAStrand Displacement Amplification
SDAStructure-directing Agent
SDBSSodium Dodecylbenzenesulfonate
SDCSamaria-doped Ceria
SDCISingle And Double Excitation Configuration Interaction Model
SDCPASite-dependent Coherent Potential Approxn.
SDDSilicon Drift Detector
SDECISingly And Doubly Excited Configuration Interaction
SDFSpin(-unrestricted) Density Functional
SDFStromal Cell-derived Factor
SDFFFSedimentation Field Flow Fractionation (particle Analysis)
SDGSigned Directed Graph (model)
SDGUGAShape-driven Graphical Unitary Group Approach
SDHSuccinate Dehydrogenase
SDISelective Dissemination Of Information
SDISilt Density Index
SDIMScaled Diatomics-in-molecules
SDIOStrategic Defense Initiative Organization
SDLTSScanning Deep-level Transient Spectroscopy
SDMESingle-drop Microextraction
SDMEStatic Mercury Drop Electrode
SDMMScanning Desorption Molecular Microscope
SDOShielded Diatomic Orbital
SDOSSSodium Dioctylsulfosuccinate
SDPA4,4'-sulfonyldiphthalic Anhydride
SDPMSpin-dependent Photomodulation
SDQ-MBPTSingle (and) Double (and) Quadruple (substituted States) Many-body Perturbation Theory
SDQ-MBPTSingle-double-quadruple Excitation Many-body Perturbation Theory
SDRSpin-dependent Resonance
SDRAMSynchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
SDRSSurface Differential Reflectance Spectroscopy
SDSSimulated Distribution System [for Water]
SDSSodium Dodecyl Sulfate
SDSDSatellite Data Services Division
SDSLSite-directed Spin Labeling
SDSR-CISingle And Double Excitations From Single Ref. State Function-CI Method
SDSSSloan Digital Sky Survey
SDTQ-MBPTSingle-double-triple-quadruple Excitation (contribution) MBPT
SDWSpin Density Wave
SDWASafe Drinking Water Act
SDYSpin Drawn Yarn
SEStandard Error
SESymmetric Eikonal (approxn. In Calcns. On Ion Scattering)

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