| Acronym | Meaning |
| SCOP | Structural Classification Of Proteins |
| SCOP | Spherical Complex Optical Potential (in Quantum Calcn. On Mol. Scattering) |
| SCOPE | Scientific Committee On The Problems Of The Environment |
| SCOPW | Self-consistent Orthogonalized Plane Wave |
| SCOR | Scientific Committee On Ocean Research |
| SCORIM | Shear Controlled Orientation In Injection Molding |
| SCOT | Shell Claus Off-gas Treating |
| SCOT | Support Coated Open Tubular |
| SCOTCH | Spin Coherence Transfer In Chemical Reactions |
| SCOWAR | Scientific Committee On Water Research |
| SCP | Single-cell Protein |
| SCP | Sterol Carrier Protein |
| SCP-IOS | Semiclassical Perturbation-infinite Order Sudden |
| SCPA | Self-consistent Phonon Approximation (for Lattice Dynamics Of Quantum Crystals) |
| SCPA | Single-site Coherent-potential Approximation (for Electronic Structure Calcns.) |
| SCPF | Self-consistent Perturbation Field |
| SCPF | Self-consistent Polarization Field Method |
| SCPHP | Self-consistent Particle-hole Propagator |
| SCPI | Standard Commands For Programmable Instruments |
| SCPM | Scanning Chemical Potential Microscopy |
| SCPOM | Self-consistent Projecton Operator Method |
| SCPP | Self-consistent Polarization Propagator |
| SCPT | Self-consistent-perturbation Theory |
| SCPT2 | Self-consistent Second-order Perturbation Theory |
| SCPW | Symmetrized Combination Of Plane Waves |
| SCR | Selective Catalytic Reduction |
| SCR | Solar Cosmic Rays (related To Spacecraft And Space Travel) |
| SCR | Spectral Collocation Representation (of Basis Sets) |
| SCRAM | EPA Support Center For Regulatory Air Models |
| SCRAM | Short-Cut Risk Assessment Method |
| SCRF | Self-consistent Reaction Field |
| SCRI | Steel Can Recycling Institute |
| SCRIBE | Stratospheric Cryogenic Interferometer Balloon Experiment |
| SCRIMP | Seemann Composites Resin Infusion Under Flexible Tooling [plastics Molding] |
| SCRP | Specific Chelation |
| SCRP | Spin Correlated Radical Pairs |
| SCRPA | Self-consistent Random Phase Approximation |
| SCRPA | Separated Channel RPA |
| SCS | Soil Conservation Service |
| SCS | Semiclassical Coupled-states |
| SCSA | Small-curvature Semiclassical Adiabatic (approxn. For Mol. Energy Levels) |
| SCSAG | Small-curvature Semiclassical Adiabatic Ground-state (tunneling Approxn.) |
| SCSOPW | Self-consistent Symmetrized Orthogonalized-plane-wave |
| SCSRC | Solids Contact Slurry Recirculating Clarifier(s) |
| SCT | Salmon Calcitonin |
| SCT | Stem Cell Transplantation |
| SCTA | Sample Controlled Thermal Analysis |
| SCTB | Self-consistent Tight-binding (in Electronic Structure) |
| SCTD | Superconducting Current Transfer Device |
| SCTDA | Separated Channel Tamm-Dancoff Approxn. |