| Acronym | Meaning |
| SCBA | Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus |
| SCBA | Self-consistent Born Approximation |
| SCBC | Self-consistent Basis And Configuration |
| SCBSA | Self-consistent Boundary-site Approxn. (for D.-of-states) |
| SCC | Source Classification Code |
| SCC | Standards Council Of Canada |
| SCC | Self-consistent Charge Method |
| SCC | Self-consistent Collective Coordinate (in Reactive Collisions) |
| SCC | Semiclassical Coupled-channel |
| SCC | Sludge Conditioning Controller |
| SCC | Somatic Cell Count |
| SCC | Squamous Cell Carcinoma |
| SCC | Stress-corrosion Cracking |
| SCC | Superposition Of Correlated Configurations (variational Method) |
| SCC-DVM | Self-consistent-charge-discrete-variational Method |
| SCC-IEH | Self-consistent Charge-iterative Extended Hueckel |
| SCCC | Self-consistent Charge And Configuration Method |
| SCCE | Synchronized Cyclic Capillary Electrophoresis |
| SCCEH | Self-consistent Charge Extended Hueckel Method |
| SCCF | Self-consistent Continued Fraction |
| SCCF | Self-consistent Crystal Field (method For Calcns. On Molecular Crystals) |
| SCCF | Spin-correlated Crystal Field |
| SCCM | Self-consistent Cell Model |
| SCCO2 | Supercritical Carbon Dioxide |
| SCCP | Strong-coupling Correspondence Principle |
| SCCR | Self-consistent Current Relaxation (in Electronic Dynamic Structure Factor Calcns.) |
| SCCSA | Self-consistent Central-site Approxn. (for D.-of-states) |
| SCCT | Semiclassical Complex Trajectory |
| SCCWRP | Southern California Coastal Water Research Project |
| SCD | Sulfur Chemiluminescence Detector |
| SCD | Supercritical Drying |
| SCD | Self-consistent Dipole (approxn.) |
| SCD | Sickle Cell Disease |
| SCDL | Short Cavity Dye Laser |
| SCDM | Self-consistent Diagrammatic Method (in Calcn. On Electronic Excitation Transfer) |
| SCE | Short Channel Effect |
| SCE | Saturated Calomel Electrode |
| SCE | Self-consistent Energy (method In At. And Mol. Calcns. With An Einsteinian Relativistic Theory |
| SCE | Semiclassical Exchange Approximation |
| SCE | Sister Chromatid Exchange |
| SCEHM | Soil Chemical Exchange Of Heavy Metals Model |
| SCEM | Semiclassical Self-consistent Eikonal Method |
| SCEMR1 | Soil Chemical Exchange And Migration Of Radionuclides Model |
| SCEP | Self-consistent Electron-pair Theory |
| SCEPM | Self-consistent Empirical Pseudopotential Method |
| SCF | Spherical Convergent Flap |
| SCF | Self-consistent Field |
| SCF | Single Crystal Fiber |
| SCF | Stem Cell Factor |
| SCF | Supercritical Fluid |