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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 238

 Acronym Meaning
SARISScattering And Recoiling Imaging Spectrometry
SARMSynthetic Analytical Reference Matrix (US EPA)
SARMSelective Androgen Receptor Modulator
SAROADStorage And Retrieval Of Aerometric Data
SARPSafety Analysis Report For Packaging
SARSScattering And Recoiling Spectrometry
SARSSevere Acute Respiratory Syndrome
SARTSpecific Alternation Of Rhythm In Temperature
SASStatistical Anal. System
SASSmall Angle Scattering
SASSurface-active Substance
SASASolvent-accessible Surface Area
SASESelf-amplified Spontaneous Emission
SASFStraight Anisotropic Single-mode Fiber
SASSSource Assessment Sampling System
SASUSource Apportionment
SATSulfuric Acid Trihydrate (polar Stratosphere Cloud Aerosol)
SATISpectral Airglow Temp. Imager
SATRASSatellite Transition Spectroscopy
SAWSurface Acoustic Wave
SAWSelf-avoiding Walk [modeling]
SAWSubmerged Arc Welding
SAWDSolid Amine Water Desorbed
SAWSSurface Acoustic Wave Sensor
SAXPSSelected Area X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
SAXRDSmall-angle X-ray Diffraction
SAXSSmall Angle X-ray Scattering
SBASmall Business Administration
SBASecond Born Approximation
SBAShort Bed Adsorbers
SBASlurry Blasting Agents
SBARSequencing Batch Anaerobic Reactor(s)
SBCODSlowly Biodegradable Chemical Oxygen Demand
SBCPASingle-bond Coherent Potential Approximation
SBDSchottky-barrier Diode
SBDDStructure-based Drug Design
SBESingle Base Extension
SBEStarch Branching Enzyme
SBESulfobutyl Ether
SBFSimulated Body Fluid
SBHSchottky-barrier Height
SBHSequencing By Hybridization
SBIGSubject-based Information Gateway
SBIRSmall Business Innovative Research Program
SBLASealed Bipolar Lead Acid (battery)
SBMFSlave-boson Mean Field (in Electronic-structure Calcns.)
SBMOSubjacent Molecular Orbital
SBPSystolic Blood Pressure
SBRSequential Batch Reactor
SBRStyrene Butadiene Rubber

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