| Acronym | Meaning |
| SARIS | Scattering And Recoiling Imaging Spectrometry |
| SARM | Synthetic Analytical Reference Matrix (US EPA) |
| SARM | Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator |
| SAROAD | Storage And Retrieval Of Aerometric Data |
| SARP | Safety Analysis Report For Packaging |
| SARS | Scattering And Recoiling Spectrometry |
| SARS | Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome |
| SART | Specific Alternation Of Rhythm In Temperature |
| SAS | Statistical Anal. System |
| SAS | Small Angle Scattering |
| SAS | Surface-active Substance |
| SASA | Solvent-accessible Surface Area |
| SASE | Self-amplified Spontaneous Emission |
| SASF | Straight Anisotropic Single-mode Fiber |
| SASS | Source Assessment Sampling System |
| SASU | Source Apportionment |
| SAT | Sulfuric Acid Trihydrate (polar Stratosphere Cloud Aerosol) |
| SATI | Spectral Airglow Temp. Imager |
| SATRAS | Satellite Transition Spectroscopy |
| SAW | Surface Acoustic Wave |
| SAW | Self-avoiding Walk [modeling] |
| SAW | Submerged Arc Welding |
| SAWD | Solid Amine Water Desorbed |
| SAWS | Surface Acoustic Wave Sensor |
| SAXPS | Selected Area X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy |
| SAXRD | Small-angle X-ray Diffraction |
| SAXS | Small Angle X-ray Scattering |
| SBA | Small Business Administration |
| SBA | Second Born Approximation |
| SBA | Short Bed Adsorbers |
| SBA | Slurry Blasting Agents |
| SBAR | Sequencing Batch Anaerobic Reactor(s) |
| SBCOD | Slowly Biodegradable Chemical Oxygen Demand |
| SBCPA | Single-bond Coherent Potential Approximation |
| SBD | Schottky-barrier Diode |
| SBDD | Structure-based Drug Design |
| SBE | Single Base Extension |
| SBE | Starch Branching Enzyme |
| SBE | Sulfobutyl Ether |
| SBF | Simulated Body Fluid |
| SBH | Schottky-barrier Height |
| SBH | Sequencing By Hybridization |
| SBIG | Subject-based Information Gateway |
| SBIR | Small Business Innovative Research Program |
| SBLA | Sealed Bipolar Lead Acid (battery) |
| SBMF | Slave-boson Mean Field (in Electronic-structure Calcns.) |
| SBMO | Subjacent Molecular Orbital |
| SBP | Systolic Blood Pressure |
| SBR | Sequential Batch Reactor |
| SBR | Styrene Butadiene Rubber |