| Acronym | Meaning |
| RSD | Relative Standard Deviation |
| RSD | Risk-specific Dose |
| RSE | Relativistic Symmetric Eikonal |
| RSEW | Resistance Seam Welding |
| RSF | Radial Structure Function |
| RSF | Relative Sensitivity Factor |
| RSFQ | Rapid Single Flux Quantum |
| RSK | Rajagopal-Singhal-Kimball (local-spin-d. Potential For Electronic Structure Calcns.) |
| RSK | Ribosomal S6 Kinase |
| RSKERL | Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory |
| RSM | Reactive Scavenging Module |
| RSM | Rapeseed Meal |
| RSM | Reduction Symmetry Method (in Crystal Field Theory) |
| RSM | Response Surface Method |
| RSMC | Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre |
| RSMP | Rayleigh-Schroedinger-Moeller-Plesset Perturbation |
| RSMR | Rayleigh Scattering Of Moessbauer Radiation |
| RSMST | Real-space Multiple-scattering Theory (in Electronic Structure) |
| RSNA | Renal Sympathetic Nerve Activity |
| RSP | Respirable Suspended Particulates |
| RSPA | Research And Special Programs Administration (Dept. Of Transportation) |
| RSPE | Rayleigh Schroedinger Perturbation Expansion |
| RSPT | Rayleigh-Schroedinger Perturbation Theory |
| RSR | Rapid Solidification Rate |
| RSRG | Real-space Renormalization Group (method In Calcn. Of Green Functions For Electrons In Crystals) |
| RSRM | Reusable Solid Rocket Motor |
| RSS | Recombination Signal Sequence |
| RSS | Residual Sum Of Squares |
| RSSC-CPA | Real-space-scattering Cluster Coherent Potential Approxn. |
| RSSCT | Rapid Small-scale Column Test (of Granulated Activated Carbon) |
| RSV | Rous Sarcoma Virus |
| RSV | Reduced Sp. Viscosity |
| RSV | Respiratory Syncytial Virus |
| RSW | Resistance Spot Welding |
| RT | Reverse Transcriptase |
| RT-PCR | Reverse Transcription-polymerase Chain Reaction |
| RTA | Rapid Thermal Annealing |
| RTCDW | Relativistic Target Continuum Distorted Wave (approxn. For Electron Capture In Ion-atom Collisions) |
| RTCVD | Rapid Thermal Chem. Vapor Deposition |
| RTD | Residence Time Distribution |
| RTD | Resonant Tunneling Diode |
| RTDF | Remediation Technologies Development Forum |
| RTDM | Rough Terrain Dispersion Model (air Quality) |
| RTE | Reversible Temper Embrittlement |
| RTECS | Registry Of Toxic Effects Of Chemical Substances (NLM) |
| RTF | Replenished Tapped And Fractionated (magma) |
| RTF | Room Temperature Fluorescence |
| RTFDW | Relativistic Thomas-Fermi-Dirac-Weizsaecker (electron-d. Theory) |
| RTG | Radioisotope Thermoelec. Generators |
| RTH | Resistance To Thyroid Hormone |