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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 234

 Acronym Meaning
RSDRelative Standard Deviation
RSDRisk-specific Dose
RSERelativistic Symmetric Eikonal
RSEWResistance Seam Welding
RSFRadial Structure Function
RSFRelative Sensitivity Factor
RSFQRapid Single Flux Quantum
RSKRajagopal-Singhal-Kimball (local-spin-d. Potential For Electronic Structure Calcns.)
RSKRibosomal S6 Kinase
RSKERLRobert S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory
RSMReactive Scavenging Module
RSMRapeseed Meal
RSMReduction Symmetry Method (in Crystal Field Theory)
RSMResponse Surface Method
RSMCRegional Specialized Meteorological Centre
RSMPRayleigh-Schroedinger-Moeller-Plesset Perturbation
RSMRRayleigh Scattering Of Moessbauer Radiation
RSMSTReal-space Multiple-scattering Theory (in Electronic Structure)
RSNARenal Sympathetic Nerve Activity
RSPRespirable Suspended Particulates
RSPAResearch And Special Programs Administration (Dept. Of Transportation)
RSPERayleigh Schroedinger Perturbation Expansion
RSPTRayleigh-Schroedinger Perturbation Theory
RSRRapid Solidification Rate
RSRGReal-space Renormalization Group (method In Calcn. Of Green Functions For Electrons In Crystals)
RSRMReusable Solid Rocket Motor
RSSRecombination Signal Sequence
RSSResidual Sum Of Squares
RSSC-CPAReal-space-scattering Cluster Coherent Potential Approxn.
RSSCTRapid Small-scale Column Test (of Granulated Activated Carbon)
RSVRous Sarcoma Virus
RSVReduced Sp. Viscosity
RSVRespiratory Syncytial Virus
RSWResistance Spot Welding
RTReverse Transcriptase
RT-PCRReverse Transcription-polymerase Chain Reaction
RTARapid Thermal Annealing
RTCDWRelativistic Target Continuum Distorted Wave (approxn. For Electron Capture In Ion-atom Collisions)
RTCVDRapid Thermal Chem. Vapor Deposition
RTDResidence Time Distribution
RTDResonant Tunneling Diode
RTDFRemediation Technologies Development Forum
RTDMRough Terrain Dispersion Model (air Quality)
RTEReversible Temper Embrittlement
RTECSRegistry Of Toxic Effects Of Chemical Substances (NLM)
RTFReplenished Tapped And Fractionated (magma)
RTFRoom Temperature Fluorescence
RTFDWRelativistic Thomas-Fermi-Dirac-Weizsaecker (electron-d. Theory)
RTGRadioisotope Thermoelec. Generators
RTHResistance To Thyroid Hormone

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