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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 231

 Acronym Meaning
RMPRadon Measurement Proficiency
RMPRelativistic Model Potential
RMPResonant Model Potential
RMPRestricted Moeller-Plesset
RMP2Restricted Moeller-Plesset Second-order (perturbation Theory)
RMP4Restricted Moeller-Plesset Fourth-order (perturbation Theory)
RMPMRenormalized Multicenter Potential Model (for Scattering)
RMPPRisk Management And Prevention Program
RMPROPR-matrix Propagation
RMRResting Metabolic Rate
RMRCIRelativistic MR-CI
RMSRoot Mean Square
RMSECVRoot-mean-square Error Of Cross-validation
RMSEPRoot-mean-square Error Of Prediction
RMTRandom Matrix Theory
RMTARigid Muffin-tin Approxn.
RMTORelativistic Muffin-tin Orbital
RMWRegulated Medical Waste
RNARibonucleic Acid
RNARemediation By Natural Attenuation
RNAARadiochemical Neutron Activation Analysis
RNAIRNA Interference
RNAPRNA Polymerase
RNGRenormalized Group Theory
RNNRecurrent Neural Network
RNOReaction Natural Orbital
RNRRibonucleotide Reductase
RNRAResonant Nuclear Reaction Analysis
RNSReactive Nitrogen Species
ROReverse Osmosis
ROARaman Optical Activity
ROARelaxed Orbital Approximation
ROAVERRSResearch On Atmospheric Variability And Atmospheric Response In The Ross Sea
ROBK1Relativistic First-order Oppenheimer-Brinkman-Kramers
ROBK2Relativistic Second-order Oppenheimer-Brinkman-Kramers (in Ion-scattering Calcns.)
ROBORotating Bond Order (model In Potential Surface Calcns.)
ROCReceiver Operating Characteristics
ROCReceptor-operated Ca2+ Channel
RODRecord Of Decision
RODACRegional Ocean Dumping Advisory Committee
RODSRecords Of Decision System
RODTOXRapid Oxygen Demand And Toxicity Tester
ROESYRotating-frame Overhauser Enhancement Spectroscopy
ROFARotating Over Fire Air (boiler Firing)
ROGReactive Organic Gas
ROHFRestricted Open-shell Hartree-Fock
ROHSRestrictions On Hazardous Substances
ROIReactive Oxygen Intermediate
ROICReadout Integrated Circuit
ROMReactive Oxygen Metabolite

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