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Chemistry Acronyms Page 230

 Acronym Meaning
RIRReference-intensity Ratio
RISRadiation-induced Segregation
RISResonance Ionization Spectrometry
RISRotational Isomeric State
RISARadioimmunosorbent Assay
RISARDNA Internal Spacer Analysis
RISCReduced-instruction-set Computer
RISERadiative Inputs From Sun To Earth
RISMReference Interaction Site Model
RITDResonant Interband Tunneling Diode
RITEResearch Institute Of Innovative Technology For The Earth (Japan)
RITGRadiatively Important Trace Gases
RITPRecycling Isotachophoresis
RITSRadiatively Important Trace Species
RITZRegulatory And Investigative Treatment Zone
RIXSResonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering
RKBRestricted Kinetic Balance (method In Calcns. Of Wave Functions And Energies)
RKHSReproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
RKIRotary Kiln Incinerator
RKKR-GFRelativistic Koringa-Kohn-Rostoker Green Function
RKKYRuderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yoshida (indirect Electron Exchange Mechanism)
RKRVLRydberg-Klein-Rees-Vanderslice-Lakshman (for Potential Energy)
RLAResonant Laser Ablation
RLCAReaction-limited Cluster Aggregation
RLFRadially Localized (wave) Function
RLMReflected Light Microscopy
RLMRotating Linear Model (for Effective Potential Surfaces In Coupled-channel Calcns. On Reactive Scattering)
RLMTORelativistic Linear Muffin-tin Orbital
RLPReactive Liquid Polymer
RLPPSReactive Low-pressure Plasma Spraying
RLSRecursive Least Squares (algorithm)
RLSResonance Light Scattering
RLTRiemann-Liouville Transform
RLVReusable Launch Vehicles (aeronautics)
RMARocky Mountain Arsenal (Colorado)
RMANRecovered Materials Advisory Notice
RMAPSReceptor Model Applied To Patterns In Space
RMBPTRelativistic Many-body Perturbation Theory
RMCRelativistic Multiconfiguration
RMCReverse Monte Carlo
RMCLRecommended Maximum Contaminant Level
RMCSTEPRepartitioned Multiconfigurational Spin-tensor Electron Propagator
RMEReasonably Maximally Exposed
RMEReduced Matrix Equations
RMFRotating Morse Function (in Potential-surface Calcn.)
RMLCRecommended Maximum Contaminant Level
RMMRelative Molecular Mass
RMORotated Morse Oscillator (function For Potential Surface)
RMOSRotated Morse Oscillator Spline (function For Potential Surface Calcn.)
RMPRisk Management Program

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