| Acronym | Meaning |
| RIR | Reference-intensity Ratio |
| RIS | Radiation-induced Segregation |
| RIS | Resonance Ionization Spectrometry |
| RIS | Rotational Isomeric State |
| RISA | Radioimmunosorbent Assay |
| RISA | RDNA Internal Spacer Analysis |
| RISC | Reduced-instruction-set Computer |
| RISE | Radiative Inputs From Sun To Earth |
| RISM | Reference Interaction Site Model |
| RITD | Resonant Interband Tunneling Diode |
| RITE | Research Institute Of Innovative Technology For The Earth (Japan) |
| RITG | Radiatively Important Trace Gases |
| RITP | Recycling Isotachophoresis |
| RITS | Radiatively Important Trace Species |
| RITZ | Regulatory And Investigative Treatment Zone |
| RIXS | Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering |
| RKB | Restricted Kinetic Balance (method In Calcns. Of Wave Functions And Energies) |
| RKHS | Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space |
| RKI | Rotary Kiln Incinerator |
| RKKR-GF | Relativistic Koringa-Kohn-Rostoker Green Function |
| RKKY | Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yoshida (indirect Electron Exchange Mechanism) |
| RKRVL | Rydberg-Klein-Rees-Vanderslice-Lakshman (for Potential Energy) |
| RLA | Resonant Laser Ablation |
| RLCA | Reaction-limited Cluster Aggregation |
| RLF | Radially Localized (wave) Function |
| RLM | Reflected Light Microscopy |
| RLM | Rotating Linear Model (for Effective Potential Surfaces In Coupled-channel Calcns. On Reactive Scattering) |
| RLMTO | Relativistic Linear Muffin-tin Orbital |
| RLP | Reactive Liquid Polymer |
| RLPPS | Reactive Low-pressure Plasma Spraying |
| RLS | Recursive Least Squares (algorithm) |
| RLS | Resonance Light Scattering |
| RLT | Riemann-Liouville Transform |
| RLV | Reusable Launch Vehicles (aeronautics) |
| RMA | Rocky Mountain Arsenal (Colorado) |
| RMAN | Recovered Materials Advisory Notice |
| RMAPS | Receptor Model Applied To Patterns In Space |
| RMBPT | Relativistic Many-body Perturbation Theory |
| RMC | Relativistic Multiconfiguration |
| RMC | Reverse Monte Carlo |
| RMCL | Recommended Maximum Contaminant Level |
| RMCSTEP | Repartitioned Multiconfigurational Spin-tensor Electron Propagator |
| RME | Reasonably Maximally Exposed |
| RME | Reduced Matrix Equations |
| RMF | Rotating Morse Function (in Potential-surface Calcn.) |
| RMLC | Recommended Maximum Contaminant Level |
| RMM | Relative Molecular Mass |
| RMO | Rotated Morse Oscillator (function For Potential Surface) |
| RMOS | Rotated Morse Oscillator Spline (function For Potential Surface Calcn.) |
| RMP | Risk Management Program |