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Chemistry Acronyms Page 23

 Acronym Meaning
ASAXSAnomalous Small-angle X-ray Scattering
ASBAmbient Stds. Branch [of The US EPA]
ASBAerobic Stabilization Basin
ASBFAerated Submerged Biological Filter
ASBMBAmerican Society For Biochemistry And Molecular Biology
ASBOWAxial Spin Bond-order Wave
ASCAscorbic Acidpar
ASCAAdvanced Satellite For Cosmology And Astrophysics
ASCAAutomatic Subject Citation Alert
ASCBAmerican Society For Cell Biology
ASCEAmerican Society Of Civil Engineers
ASCENDAdvanced System For Computations In Engineering Design
ASCIAccelerated Strategic Computing Initiative
ASCIIAmerican Standard Code For Information Interchange
ASCOAmerican Society Of Clinical Oncology
ASCOTAtmospheric Studies In Complex Terrain
ASCREVAnodic Stripping Continuous Recall Enhancement Voltammetry
ASCTAutologous Stem Cell Transplantation
ASCWAxial Spin Current Wave (type Of Hartree-Fock Wave Function)
ASDActive Subslab Soil Depressurization (for Radon Minimization In Buildings)
ASDESAircraft Sensor Data For The Earth Sciences
ASDEXAxially Symmetric Divertor Expt.
ASDWAxial Spin Density Wave
ASDWAAssociation Of State Drinking Water Administrators
ASEAromatic Stabilization Energy
ASEAccelerated Solvent Extraction
ASEActivated Sludge Effluent
ASEAmplified Spontaneous Emission
ASEAugmented Secular Equation
ASEANAssocn. Of South-East Asian Nations
ASECApplied Solar Energy Corporation
ASECSAntigen-specific Electrophoretic Cell Separation
ASEDAtom Superposition-electron Delocalization
ASEHFApproximate Spin-extended Hartree-Fock
ASEMPActive Sites Environmental Monitoring Program
ASFAfrican Swine Fever
ASFAir Sea Fluxes
ASFAtomic Sensitivity Factor
ASFAugmented-space Formalism (a Generalization Of CPA)
ASFFAerated Stationary Or Submerged Fixed-film (wastewater Treatment)
ASFVAfrican Swine Fever Virus
ASGDIAtmospheric Sampling Glow Discharge Ionization
ASGPAerobic Suspended Growth Process
ASHAir-sparged Hydrocyclone
ASHAAAsbestos School Hazard Abatement Act
ASHESAxial Seamount Hydrothermal Emissions Study
ASHGAmerican Society Of Human Genetics
ASHIAmerican Society Of Histocompatibility And Immunogenetics
ASHOEAirborne Southern Hemisphere Ozone Experiment
ASHPAmerican Society Of Health-System Pharmacists

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