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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 229

 Acronym Meaning
RHRelative Humidity
RHBReheat Blow Molding
RHCRubber Hydrocarbon Content
RHDVRabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus
RHEEDReflection High-energy Electron Diffraction
RHFRestricted Hartree-Fock
RHF SPRestricted Hartree Fock Spin Polarization
RHFORelativistic Hartree-Fock One-channel (for Scattering)
RHFRRelativistic Hartree-Fock-Roothaan
RHFRRestricted Hartree-Fock-Roothaan
RHFSRelativistic Hartree-Fock-Slater
RHFSRestricted Hartree-Fock-Slater
RHFTRelativistic Hartree-Fock Two-channel (for Scattering)
RHICRelativistic Heavy-Ion Collider
RHOReduced Hamiltonian Orbital Method
RHPAReverse Hemolytic Plaque Assay
RHTRestricted Hueckel Method
RIRefractive Index
RIRemedial Investigation
RIReplication Index
RI/FSRemedial Investigation/feasibility Study (Superfund)
RIAReactivity Initiated Accident
RIARegulatory Impact Analysis
RIARelative Ion Abundance
RIBEReactive Ion Beam Etching
RICResource Conservation And Recovery Act Docket Information Center
RICEUK Regular Interlaboratory Counting Exchange (for Asbestos Analysis)
RICMReflection Interference Contrast Microscopy
RIDRecrystn. Induced Diffusion
RIDAReverse Isotope Dilution Analysis
RIDIRSResonant In-dip IR Spectroscopy
RIEReactive Ion Etching
RIFMResearch Institute For Fragrance Materials
RIFSReflectometric Interference Spectroscopy
RIFTResin Infusion Under Flexible Tooling [plastics Molding]
RIGSRadioimmunoguided Surgery
RIHRAResearch To Improve Health Risk Assessments Program (US EPA)
RIKESRaman-induced Kerr Effect Spectrometry
RILSRegulatory Interpretation Letters
RIMReaction-injection Molding
RIMSResonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry
RINDORydberg Intermediate Neglect Of Differential Overlap
RIOMETERRelative Ionospheric Opacity Meter
RIOSReactive Infinite-order Sudden (at.-mol. Reactive Collisions)
RIOSAReactive Infinite-order Sudden Approxn.
RIOSARotational Infinite Order Sudden Approxn.
RIPRCRA Implementation Plan
RIPRapid Isothermal Processing
RIPRibosome-inactivating Protein
RIRRelative Inhalation Risk

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