| Acronym | Meaning |
| RH | Relative Humidity |
| RHB | Reheat Blow Molding |
| RHC | Rubber Hydrocarbon Content |
| RHDV | Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus |
| RHEED | Reflection High-energy Electron Diffraction |
| RHF | Restricted Hartree-Fock |
| RHF SP | Restricted Hartree Fock Spin Polarization |
| RHFO | Relativistic Hartree-Fock One-channel (for Scattering) |
| RHFR | Relativistic Hartree-Fock-Roothaan |
| RHFR | Restricted Hartree-Fock-Roothaan |
| RHFS | Relativistic Hartree-Fock-Slater |
| RHFS | Restricted Hartree-Fock-Slater |
| RHFT | Relativistic Hartree-Fock Two-channel (for Scattering) |
| RHIC | Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider |
| RHO | Reduced Hamiltonian Orbital Method |
| RHPA | Reverse Hemolytic Plaque Assay |
| RHT | Restricted Hueckel Method |
| RI | Refractive Index |
| RI | Remedial Investigation |
| RI | Replication Index |
| RI/FS | Remedial Investigation/feasibility Study (Superfund) |
| RIA | Reactivity Initiated Accident |
| RIA | Regulatory Impact Analysis |
| RIA | Relative Ion Abundance |
| RIBE | Reactive Ion Beam Etching |
| RIC | Resource Conservation And Recovery Act Docket Information Center |
| RICE | UK Regular Interlaboratory Counting Exchange (for Asbestos Analysis) |
| RICM | Reflection Interference Contrast Microscopy |
| RID | Recrystn. Induced Diffusion |
| RIDA | Reverse Isotope Dilution Analysis |
| RIDIRS | Resonant In-dip IR Spectroscopy |
| RIE | Reactive Ion Etching |
| RIFM | Research Institute For Fragrance Materials |
| RIFS | Reflectometric Interference Spectroscopy |
| RIFT | Resin Infusion Under Flexible Tooling [plastics Molding] |
| RIGS | Radioimmunoguided Surgery |
| RIHRA | Research To Improve Health Risk Assessments Program (US EPA) |
| RIKES | Raman-induced Kerr Effect Spectrometry |
| RILS | Regulatory Interpretation Letters |
| RIM | Reaction-injection Molding |
| RIMS | Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry |
| RINDO | Rydberg Intermediate Neglect Of Differential Overlap |
| RIOMETER | Relative Ionospheric Opacity Meter |
| RIOS | Reactive Infinite-order Sudden (at.-mol. Reactive Collisions) |
| RIOSA | Reactive Infinite-order Sudden Approxn. |
| RIOSA | Rotational Infinite Order Sudden Approxn. |
| RIP | RCRA Implementation Plan |
| RIP | Rapid Isothermal Processing |
| RIP | Ribosome-inactivating Protein |
| RIR | Relative Inhalation Risk |