| Acronym | Meaning |
| RAPIDS | Regional Air Pollutant Inventory Development System |
| RAPJ | Rotating Arc Plasma Jet |
| RAPRA | Rubber And Plastics Research Association |
| RAPS | Regional Air Pollution Study |
| RAPW | Relativistic Augmented Plane Wave |
| RAR | Retinoic Acid Receptor |
| RARE | Rapid Acquisition Relaxation-enhanced |
| RARE | Retinoic Acid-response Element |
| RAS | Reflectance Anisotropy Spectroscopy |
| RAS | Reflection-absorption Spectroscopy |
| RAS | Renin-angiotensin System |
| RAS | Restricted Active Space (wave Function) |
| RAS | Returned Activated Sludge |
| RAS | Routine Analytical Services |
| RASA | Regional Aquifer Systems Analysis (program Of USGS) |
| RASS | Ratio Acoustic Sounding System |
| RASSCF | Restricted Active Space SCF |
| RASSI | Restricted Active Space State Interaction |
| RAST | Radioallergosorbent Test (immunoassay) |
| RASW | Relativistic Augmented Spherical Wave Method |
| RATL | Risk Analysis Testing Laboratory |
| RATM | Renormalized Average T-matrix (for D.-of-states Calcns.) |
| RB | Renormalized Band (method In Electronic-structure Calcns.) |
| RBA | Refined Born Approximation (for Atom-mol. Collisions) |
| RBAO | Reaction-bonded Aluminum Oxide |
| RBC | Red Blood Cell |
| RBC | Rotating Biological Contactor |
| RBCA | Risk-based Corrective Action |
| RBCOD | Readily Biodegradable Chemical Oxygen Demand |
| RBCODUR | Readily Biodegradable Chemical Oxygen Demand Uptake Rate |
| RBE | Relative Biological Effectiveness |
| RBF | Radial Basis Function |
| RBF | Renal Blood Flow |
| RBL | Rat Basophilic Leukemia |
| RBM | Radial Breathing Mode |
| RBM | Random Bonding Model |
| RBM | Rigid Band Model |
| RBOT | Rotary Bomb Oxidn. Test |
| RBP | Retinol Binding Protein |
| RBR | Reductive Burning Recovery |
| RBS | Rutherford Backscattering |
| RBS | Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry |
| RBS | Ribosome Binding Site |
| RBSC | Reaction-bonded Silicon Carbide |
| RBSN | Reaction-bonded Silicon Nitride |
| RC(XI) | (fully) Correlated Relativistic Local-density |
| RCA | Ricinus Communis Agglutinin |
| RCA | Rolling-circle Amplification |
| RCC | Relativistic Coupled Cluster |
| RCC | Renal Cell Carcinoma |