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Chemistry Acronyms Page 225

 Acronym Meaning
RAPIDSRegional Air Pollutant Inventory Development System
RAPJRotating Arc Plasma Jet
RAPRARubber And Plastics Research Association
RAPSRegional Air Pollution Study
RAPWRelativistic Augmented Plane Wave
RARRetinoic Acid Receptor
RARERapid Acquisition Relaxation-enhanced
RARERetinoic Acid-response Element
RASReflectance Anisotropy Spectroscopy
RASReflection-absorption Spectroscopy
RASRenin-angiotensin System
RASRestricted Active Space (wave Function)
RASReturned Activated Sludge
RASRoutine Analytical Services
RASARegional Aquifer Systems Analysis (program Of USGS)
RASSRatio Acoustic Sounding System
RASSCFRestricted Active Space SCF
RASSIRestricted Active Space State Interaction
RASTRadioallergosorbent Test (immunoassay)
RASWRelativistic Augmented Spherical Wave Method
RATLRisk Analysis Testing Laboratory
RATMRenormalized Average T-matrix (for D.-of-states Calcns.)
RBRenormalized Band (method In Electronic-structure Calcns.)
RBARefined Born Approximation (for Atom-mol. Collisions)
RBAOReaction-bonded Aluminum Oxide
RBCRed Blood Cell
RBCRotating Biological Contactor
RBCARisk-based Corrective Action
RBCODReadily Biodegradable Chemical Oxygen Demand
RBCODURReadily Biodegradable Chemical Oxygen Demand Uptake Rate
RBERelative Biological Effectiveness
RBFRadial Basis Function
RBFRenal Blood Flow
RBLRat Basophilic Leukemia
RBMRadial Breathing Mode
RBMRandom Bonding Model
RBMRigid Band Model
RBOTRotary Bomb Oxidn. Test
RBPRetinol Binding Protein
RBRReductive Burning Recovery
RBSRutherford Backscattering
RBSRutherford Backscattering Spectrometry
RBSRibosome Binding Site
RBSCReaction-bonded Silicon Carbide
RBSNReaction-bonded Silicon Nitride
RC(XI)(fully) Correlated Relativistic Local-density
RCARicinus Communis Agglutinin
RCARolling-circle Amplification
RCCRelativistic Coupled Cluster
RCCRenal Cell Carcinoma

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