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Chemistry Acronyms Page 223

 Acronym Meaning
QPMDAQuasiparticle Mean Density Approxn. (assocd. With Local-d. Theory)
QPOQuasi-periodic Oscillation
QPTQuantum Phase Transition
QPTQuasiparticle Tunneling
QR-MWHQuasi-relativistic Mulliken-Wolfsberg-Helmholz Method
QRAQuantitative Risk Assessment
QRARQuantitative Retention-activity Relationship
QRFQuadratic Response Function (a Quantum Propagator)
QRHF-CCQuasirestricted Hartree-Fock Coupled Cluster
QRIOSAQuantum Reactive Infinite Order Sudden Approxn.
QRMQuadratic Rubinow Method (variational Method For Scattering)
QRPAQuadratic Random Phase Approxn.
QSARQuantitative Structure-activity Relationship(s)
QSBRQuant. Structure-biodegrdn. Relationships
QSERRQuantitative Structure-enantioselective Retention Relationships
QSEXQuadrature Selective Excitation
QSIQuantum Statistical Interference
QSMQuantum Shell Model
QSMQuantum Statistical Mechanics
QSMQuantum-statistical Model
QSMDQuantum-stochastic Mol. Dynamics
QSMRQuantitative Structure-metabolism Relationship
QSOQuasistellar Objects
QSPRQuantitative Structure Property Relationship
QSRQuality Status Report (of North Sea Task Force)
QSRRQuantitative Structure-retention Relationships
QSSAQuasi-steady-state Approximation
QSSPCQuasi-steady-state Photoconductance
QSTLSQuantum Singwi-tosi-land-sjolander (theory
QTCSQuantum Theorem Of Corresponding States
QTLQuantitative Trait Loci
QTMQuick-turnaround Method
QTOFQuadrupole Time-of-flight
QTPTQuantum Thermodynamic Perturbation Theory
QTSTQuantum Transition State Theory
QUAL2EEnhanced Stream Water Quality Model
QUAPIQuasiadiabatic Propagator Path Integral Method
QUASARQuality Simulation Along Rivers (environmental Model)
QUASHQuality Assurance Of Sample Handling [a EU Project]
QUASIMEMEQuality Assurance Of Information For Marine Environmental Monitoring In Europe
QUAXQuantitative Phase-Analysis With X-ray Powder Diffraction
QUEQuantized Universal Enveloping (algebras In Mol. Vibrational Spectra Calcns.)
QUPIDQuantum Path Integral (mol.) Dynamics (method In Mol. Calcns.)
QVBQuasiempirical Valence Bond (method)
QVEQuasivibrational Energy (formalism In Multiphoton Dissocn.)
QWASIQuantitative Water Air Sediment Interaction
QWIPQuantum Well IR Photodetector
QWRQuantum Wire
QXRDQuantitative X-ray Diffraction
R&DResearch And Development

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