| Acronym | Meaning |
| QAEM | Quality Assurance For Environmental Measurements |
| QAFM | Quantum Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Model |
| QALE | Quantitative Analysis Of Ligand Effects |
| QAMB | Quality Assurance Materials Bank (USEPA) |
| QAMS | Quality Assurance Management Staff (US EPA) |
| QAP | Quality Assurance Plan |
| QAPP | Quality Assurance Project Plan |
| QAPW | Quadratic Augmented Plane Wave (in Band-structure Calcn.) |
| QAR | Quality Assurance Reagent |
| QAS | Quality Assurance Standard |
| QAT | Quality Assurance Technical Materials |
| QBM | Quantal Brownian Motion (model) |
| QBO | Quantitative Basis Orbital (an MO Or AO) |
| QBO | Quasi-biennial Oscillation (atm.) |
| QC | Quality Control |
| QC-SCF | Quadratically Convergent SCF (for Closed-shell Systems) |
| QCA | Quantum-dot Cellular Automata |
| QCA | Quasichemical Approxn. (in Calcns. On Semiconductors) |
| QCA | Quasicrystalline Approximation |
| QCC | Quadrupole Coupling Constant |
| QCCA | Quasiclassical Close-coupling Approximation |
| QCD | Quantum Chromodynamics |
| QCDL | Quenched Cavity Dye Laser |
| QCFF/PI | Quantum Mechanical Consistent Force Field Method For Pi-electron Systems |
| QCI | Quadratic Configuration Interaction |
| QCISD | Quadratic Configuration Interaction With Single And Double Excitation |
| QCISD(T) | Quadratic CI (with) Single (and) Double (excitations) (and) [triple Excitations Added Perturbatively] |
| QCISDT | Quadratic CI (with) Single (and) Double (and) Triple (excitations) |
| QCL | Quantum Cascade Laser |
| QCM | Quartz Crystal Microbalance |
| QCMD | Quantum-classical Mol. Dynamics |
| QCP | Quantized Classical Path (method For Calcg. Quantum-mech. Rate Consts.) |
| QCPE | Quantum Chemistry Program Exchange |
| QCR | Quartz Crystal Resonator |
| QCSE | Quantum-confined Stark Effect |
| QCT | Quasiclassical Trajectory (method For Mol. Collision Calcns.) |
| QCT-IEQMT | Quasiclassical Trajectory-internal Energy Quantum Mechanical Threshold |
| QD | Quantum Dot |
| QD-MBPT | Quasi-degenerate Many-body Perturbation Theory |
| QDA | Quadratic Discriminant Analysis |
| QDFM | Quantitative DNA Fiber Mapping |
| QDIP | Quantum Dot Infrared Photodetector |
| QDM | Quadrature Discretization Method (in Electron Transport Properties Calcns.) |
| QDM | Quantum Defect Method |
| QDO | Quantum-defect Orbital (theory) |
| QDPT | Quasi-degenerate Perturbation Theory |
| QDT | Quantum-defect Theory |
| QDVPT | Quasidegenerate Variational Perturbation Theory |
| QDWT | Quantum Density-wave Theory (in Theory Of Freezing Of Quantum Systems) |
| QECISDTQ | Quadratic Size-extensive CISDTQ |