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Chemistry Acronyms Page 221

 Acronym Meaning
QAEMQuality Assurance For Environmental Measurements
QAFMQuantum Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Model
QALEQuantitative Analysis Of Ligand Effects
QAMBQuality Assurance Materials Bank (USEPA)
QAMSQuality Assurance Management Staff (US EPA)
QAPQuality Assurance Plan
QAPPQuality Assurance Project Plan
QAPWQuadratic Augmented Plane Wave (in Band-structure Calcn.)
QARQuality Assurance Reagent
QASQuality Assurance Standard
QATQuality Assurance Technical Materials
QBMQuantal Brownian Motion (model)
QBOQuantitative Basis Orbital (an MO Or AO)
QBOQuasi-biennial Oscillation (atm.)
QCQuality Control
QC-SCFQuadratically Convergent SCF (for Closed-shell Systems)
QCAQuantum-dot Cellular Automata
QCAQuasichemical Approxn. (in Calcns. On Semiconductors)
QCAQuasicrystalline Approximation
QCCQuadrupole Coupling Constant
QCCAQuasiclassical Close-coupling Approximation
QCDQuantum Chromodynamics
QCDLQuenched Cavity Dye Laser
QCFF/PIQuantum Mechanical Consistent Force Field Method For Pi-electron Systems
QCIQuadratic Configuration Interaction
QCISDQuadratic Configuration Interaction With Single And Double Excitation
QCISD(T)Quadratic CI (with) Single (and) Double (excitations) (and) [triple Excitations Added Perturbatively]
QCISDTQuadratic CI (with) Single (and) Double (and) Triple (excitations)
QCLQuantum Cascade Laser
QCMQuartz Crystal Microbalance
QCMDQuantum-classical Mol. Dynamics
QCPQuantized Classical Path (method For Calcg. Quantum-mech. Rate Consts.)
QCPEQuantum Chemistry Program Exchange
QCRQuartz Crystal Resonator
QCSEQuantum-confined Stark Effect
QCTQuasiclassical Trajectory (method For Mol. Collision Calcns.)
QCT-IEQMTQuasiclassical Trajectory-internal Energy Quantum Mechanical Threshold
QDQuantum Dot
QD-MBPTQuasi-degenerate Many-body Perturbation Theory
QDAQuadratic Discriminant Analysis
QDFMQuantitative DNA Fiber Mapping
QDIPQuantum Dot Infrared Photodetector
QDMQuadrature Discretization Method (in Electron Transport Properties Calcns.)
QDMQuantum Defect Method
QDOQuantum-defect Orbital (theory)
QDPTQuasi-degenerate Perturbation Theory
QDTQuantum-defect Theory
QDVPTQuasidegenerate Variational Perturbation Theory
QDWTQuantum Density-wave Theory (in Theory Of Freezing Of Quantum Systems)
QECISDTQQuadratic Size-extensive CISDTQ

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