| Acronym | Meaning |
| PO-TDSE | Periodic Orbit-time Dependent Schroedinger Equation |
| POA | Peierls-Onsager Approxn. (in Electronic Structure Calcns.) |
| POA | Preoptic Area |
| POAM | Polar Ozone And Aerosol Measurements |
| POAV | Pi Orbital Axis Vector Analysis (electronic-structure Model) |
| POC | Point Of Compliance |
| POC | Purgeable Organic Carbon |
| POC | Particulate Organic Carbon |
| POC | Product Of Combustion |
| POCH | Polarized Ochkur |
| POCI | Parent Orbital Configuration Interaction |
| POCP | Photochem. Ozone Creation Potential |
| POCT | Point-of-care Testing |
| POCV | Pair Orthogonality Constrained Variation Method |
| PODS | Periodic Orbit Dividing Surfaces (in Potential Surface Calcn.) |
| POE | Point Of Entry |
| POEM | Physical Oceanography Of The Eastern Mediterranean |
| POEMS | Plasma Optical Emission Mass Spectrometer |
| POES | Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites |
| POF | Plastic Optical Fiber |
| POF | Polymer Optical Fiber |
| POF | Premature Ovarian Failure |
| POG | Post-orogenic Granitoids |
| POGO | Polar Orbiting Geophysical Observatory |
| POH | Purgeable Organic Halogen(s) |
| POHC | Principal Organic Hazardous Constituents |
| POI | Plagioclase-olivine Inclusions |
| POL-CI | Polarization Configuration Interaction |
| POLARIS | Photochem. Of Ozone Loss In The Arctic Region In Summer |
| POLINAT | Pollution From Aircraft Emissions In The North Atlantic Flight Corridor |
| POM | Particulate Organic Matter |
| POM | Polarized Optical Microscopy |
| POM | Projection-operator Method |
| PON | Particulate Organic Nitrogen |
| PON | Pump Octane Number |
| PONA | Paraffins, Olefins, Naphthalenes, And Aromatics (in Petroleum Analysis) |
| POP | Persistent Organic Pollutant |
| POPCORN | Photo-Oxidant Formation By Plant Emitted Compds. And OH Radicals In North-Eastern Germany |
| POPW | Partially Orthogonalized Plane Wave |
| PORG | Photochemical Oxidants Review Group |
| POS | Points-on-a-sphere (repulsion Potential Model |
| POSAP | Position-sensitive Atom Probe |
| POSCO | Pohang Steel Company |
| POSS | Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane |
| POSSUM | Protein Online Substructure Searching - Ullman Method |
| POTDR | Polarization Optical Time Domain Reflectometry |
| POTW | Publicly Owned Treatment Works |
| POU | Point Of Use |
| POX | Particulate Organic Halogen(s) |
| POX | Purgeable Organic Halogen(s) |