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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 210

 Acronym Meaning
PHOTOSELEXPhotochemical Systematic Evolution Of Ligands By Exponential Enrichment
PHREDPublic Health Risk Evaluation Data
PHSPublic Health Service
PHSProstaglandin H Synthase
PHTPulmonary Hypertension
PHWRPressurized Heavy Water Reactor
PIPlugging Index
PIPollution Index
PIPolydispersity Index
PI3KPhosphatidylinositol 3-kinase
PIAPeaking Impulse Approxn. (for Electron-exchange Collisions)
PIACPolymer Industrial Advisory Council
PIADPlasma-ion Assisted Deposition
PIAMSPhotoionization Aerosol Mass Spectrometry
PIASPhoton-counting Image Acquisition System
PIBPotential Induced Breathing (model In Electronic-structure Studies In Superconductors)
PICPublic Information Center
PICProducts Of Incomplete Combustion
PICAPicosecond Imaging Circuit Analysis
PICAPolymerization-induced Colloid Aggregation
PICIPositive-ion Chemical Ionization
PICLSPhotoionization Controlled-loss Spectroscopy
PICPCarboxyterminal Propeptide Of Type I Procollagen
PICTPollution-induced Community Tolerance
PIDPhotoionization Detector (gas Chromatography)
PIDASPortable Instantaneous Display And Analysis Spectrometer
PIDIEPlutonium Isotopic Detn. Intercomparison Exercise
PIERSPolarized Infrared External Reflection Spectroscopy
PIESPollution Prevention Information Exchange System
PIESPartial Integration Exterior Scaling (in Calcns. On Resonance Positions And Lifetimes
PIESPenning Ionization Electron Spectroscopy
PIETPhotoinduced Intramolecular Electron Transfer
PIFPhotochemically-induced Fluorescence
PIGEProton Induced Gamma-ray Emission
PIGSPesticides In Groundwater Strategy
PIHMCPath Integral Hybrid Monte Carlo
PIIIPlasma Immersion Ion Implantation
PILAPublishers International Linking Association
PILCPillar Interlayered Clays
PIMPowder Injection Molding
PIMAPolyisocyanurate Insulation Manufacturers Association
PIMBEPlasma-induced Molecular-beam Epitaxy
PIMCPath-integral Monte-Carlo
PIMDPath Integral Molecular Dynamics
PIMIAPotentiometric Ionophore-modulation Immunoassay
PIMSProcess Information Management System
PINPesticide Information Network
PINNProposed International Nonproprietary Names (for Drugs)

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