| Acronym | Meaning |
| PERL | Passivated Emitter And Rear Locally Diffused (solar Cells) |
| PERT | Program Evaluation And Review Technique |
| PERTCI | Perturbational Configuration Interaction |
| PERV | Porcine Endogenous Retrovirus |
| PES | Photoelectron Spectroscopy |
| PES | Potential Energy Surface |
| PESA | Proton Elastic Scattering Anal. |
| PESC | Passivated Emitter Silicon Solar Cell |
| PESC | Photoelectrochemical Solar Cell |
| PESIS | Photoelectron Spectroscopy Of The Inner Shell |
| PESM | Photoelectron Spectromicroscopy |
| PESO | Potentiometric Evaluation Of Substrate Oxidation |
| PESOS | Perkin-Elmer Solvent Optimization System |
| PESOS | Photoelectron Spectroscopy Of The Outer Shell |
| PESTANV4.0 | Pesticide Analytical Model Version 4.0 |
| PESTM | Photon Emission Scanning Tunnel Microscopy |
| PET | Petrol. Elementary Tools (computer Program) |
| PET | Photoinduced Electron Transfer |
| PET | Poly(ethylene Terephthalate) |
| PET | Positron Emission Tomography |
| PET | Potential Evapotranspiration |
| PETEOS | Plasma-enhanced Tetraethylorthosilicate |
| PETN | Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate |
| PETP | Poly(ethylene Terephthalate) |
| PETRA | Plasma Engineering And Technology Research Assembly |
| PEUF | Polyelectrolyte Enhanced Ultrafiltration |
| PEXAFS | Photoemission Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure |
| PEYS | Photoelectron Yield Spectroscopy |
| PF | Protective Factor |
| PF | Polar Front |
| PF | Pulverized Fuel |
| PFA | Principal Factor Analysis |
| PFBC | Pressurized Fluidized-bed Combustion (in Energy Technology) |
| PFBC-CC | Pressurized Fluidized-bed Combustion/combined Cycle (of Coal) |
| PFC | Polarized Frozen Core Approximation |
| PFCGE | Pulsed-field Capillary Gel Electrophoresis |
| PFDT | Partial Flow Dilution Tunnel |
| PFE | Pressurized Fluid Extraction |
| PFEO | Perimeter Free Electron Orbital |
| PFG | Pulsed Field Gradient |
| PFGE | Pulsed-field Gel Electrophoresis |
| PFGSE | Pulsed Field-gradient Spin-echo |
| PFGSTE | Pulsed Field Gradient Stimulated Echo |
| PFI | Port Fuel Injection |
| PFI | Pulsed Field Ionization |
| PFLT | Paint Filter Liquids Test |
| PFNA | Pulsed Fast-neutron Analysis |
| PFOA | Perfluorooctanoic Acid |
| PFOE | Polarized First-order Exchange |
| PFPB | Point-feed Prebaked [in Al Refining] |