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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 207

 Acronym Meaning
PEADPolietileno De Alta Densidad
PEANUTPhase-inverted Echo-amplitude Detected Nutation
PEARLPrediction Air Quality In Urban And Regional Locations
PEBBLEProbes Encapsulated By Biologically Localized Embedding
PECPredicted Environmental Concentration
PECAMPlatelet Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule
PECVDPlasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition
PEDPlasma Emission Detector
PEDPotential Energy Distribution
PEDPulsed Electrochemical Detection
PEDMPerturbation Expansion (of The) Density Matrix
PEDRIProton-electron Double-resonance Imaging
PEDSPlasma-enhanced Deposition System
PEELSParallel Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
PEEMPanel Of Experts On Environmental Management
PEEMPhotoemission Electron Microscopy
PEEPPositive End-expiratory Pressure
PEFPeak Expiratory Flow
PEFCPolymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell
PEFRPeak Expiratory Flow Rate (lung Function)
PEGPolyethylene Glycol
PEGCPhonon Glass Electron Crystal
PEIAProgrammatic Environmental Impact Analysis
PEISProgrammatic Environmental Impact Statement
PEKPoly(ether Ketone)
PELPermissible Exposure Limit
PELANPulsed Elemental Analysis With Neutrons
PELMOPesticide Leaching Model
PEMPacific Exploratory Measurements
PEMProton Exchange Membrane
PEMParametric Equations Of Motion
PEMPerformance Evaluation Material
PEMPhotoelectron Microscopy
PEMAPseudoeffective Mass Approxn. (for Impurity Energy Levels In Semiconductors)
PEMCPair-excitation Multiconfiguration (type Of Wave Function)
PEMFCPolymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell
PEMFCProton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell
PEMSPredictive Emission Monitoring System
PENPolyethylene Naphthalate
PENPersonal Electronic Notebook
PENISProton-enhanced Nuclear Induction Spectroscopy
PEOPoly(ethylene Oxide)
PEOEPartial Equalization Of Orbital Electronegativity (model)
PEPECOPhotoelectron-photoelectron Coincidence
PEPICOPhotoelectron-photoion Coincidence Spectroscopy
PERALSPhoton-Electron Rejecting Alpha Liquid Scintillation
PERCPassivated Emitter And Rear Cell (solar Cells)
PERCIPhotoelectron Resonance Capture Ionization
PERIPharmaceutical Education And Research Institute

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