| Acronym | Meaning |
| PEAD | Polietileno De Alta Densidad |
| PEANUT | Phase-inverted Echo-amplitude Detected Nutation |
| PEARL | Prediction Air Quality In Urban And Regional Locations |
| PEBBLE | Probes Encapsulated By Biologically Localized Embedding |
| PEC | Predicted Environmental Concentration |
| PECAM | Platelet Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule |
| PECVD | Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition |
| PED | Plasma Emission Detector |
| PED | Potential Energy Distribution |
| PED | Pulsed Electrochemical Detection |
| PEDM | Perturbation Expansion (of The) Density Matrix |
| PEDRI | Proton-electron Double-resonance Imaging |
| PEDS | Plasma-enhanced Deposition System |
| PEELS | Parallel Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy |
| PEEM | Panel Of Experts On Environmental Management |
| PEEM | Photoemission Electron Microscopy |
| PEEP | Positive End-expiratory Pressure |
| PEF | Peak Expiratory Flow |
| PEFC | Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell |
| PEFR | Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (lung Function) |
| PEG | Polyethylene Glycol |
| PEGC | Phonon Glass Electron Crystal |
| PEHX | Cross-linked |
| PEIA | Programmatic Environmental Impact Analysis |
| PEIS | Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement |
| PEK | Poly(ether Ketone) |
| PEL | Permissible Exposure Limit |
| PELAN | Pulsed Elemental Analysis With Neutrons |
| PELMO | Pesticide Leaching Model |
| PEM | Pacific Exploratory Measurements |
| PEM | Proton Exchange Membrane |
| PEM | Parametric Equations Of Motion |
| PEM | Performance Evaluation Material |
| PEM | Photoelectron Microscopy |
| PEMA | Pseudoeffective Mass Approxn. (for Impurity Energy Levels In Semiconductors) |
| PEMC | Pair-excitation Multiconfiguration (type Of Wave Function) |
| PEMFC | Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell |
| PEMFC | Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell |
| PEMS | Predictive Emission Monitoring System |
| PEN | Polyethylene Naphthalate |
| PEN | Personal Electronic Notebook |
| PENIS | Proton-enhanced Nuclear Induction Spectroscopy |
| PEO | Poly(ethylene Oxide) |
| PEOE | Partial Equalization Of Orbital Electronegativity (model) |
| PEPECO | Photoelectron-photoelectron Coincidence |
| PEPICO | Photoelectron-photoion Coincidence Spectroscopy |
| PERALS | Photon-Electron Rejecting Alpha Liquid Scintillation |
| PERC | Passivated Emitter And Rear Cell (solar Cells) |
| PERCI | Photoelectron Resonance Capture Ionization |
| PERI | Pharmaceutical Education And Research Institute |