| Acronym | Meaning |
| PAMS | Photochem. Assessment Monitoring Stations |
| PAMSA | PCR Amplification Of Multiple Specific Alleles |
| PAN | Peroxyacetyl Nitrate |
| PANAK | Peroxyacetyl Nitrate Aldehyde Ketones |
| PANH | Polycyclic Aromatic Nitrogen Heterocycle |
| PANNA | Pesticide Action Network North America |
| PAO | Polarized Atomic Orbital |
| PAO | Polyphosphate Accumulating Organism |
| PAO | Pseudo-atomic Orbital |
| PAOD | Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease |
| PAP | Pancreatitis-associated Protein |
| PAP | Prostatic Acid Phosphatase |
| PAPP-A | Pregnancy-associated Plasma Protein A |
| PAPS | Phase-alternated Pulse Sequence |
| PAPVD | Plasma-assisted Physical Vapor Deposition |
| PAR | Population At Risk |
| PAR | Photosynthetically Active Radiation |
| PAR | Proteinase-activated Receptor |
| PARAFAC | Parallel Factor Analysis |
| PARC | Polycyclic Aromatic Ring Cleavage |
| PARISS | Prism And Reflector Imaging Spectroscopy System |
| PARP | Poly ADP-ribose Polymerase |
| PARS | Photoacoustic Raman Spectroscopy |
| PAS | Periodic Acid Schiff |
| PAS | Photoacoustic Spectroscopy |
| PAS | Positron Annihilation Spectrometry |
| PASA | PCR Amplification Of Specific Alleles |
| PASADENA | Para-hydrogen And Synthesis Allow Dramatically Enhanced Nuclear Alignment |
| PASH | Polycyclic Aromatic Sulfur-containing Hydrocarbons |
| PASPE | Photochemically Accumulated Stimulated Photon Echo |
| PASTM | Photon Assisted Scanning Tunnel Microscopy |
| PAT | Proficiency Analytical Testing (NIOSH) |
| PAT | Process Analytical Technology |
| PATOLIS | Patent Online Information System |
| PATRAM | Packaging And Transportation Of Radioactive Material |
| PAUR | Photochemical Activity And Solar Ultraviolet Radiation [project] |
| PAW | Projector Augmented-wave [ab-initio Method] |
| PAW | Plasma Arc Welding |
| PAWS | Portable Acoustic Wave Sensor |
| PAX | Photoemission Of Adsorbed Xenon |
| PAZ | Partial Annealing Zone (fission-track) |
| PAZ | Protective Action Zone |
| PB | Particle Beam |
| PB | Polarized Born |
| PBA | Poly(butyl Acrylate) |
| PBB | Polybrominated Biphenyl |
| PBC | Periodic Bond Chain |
| PBC | Primary Biliary Cirrhosis |
| PBCIMS | Particle Beam Chem. Ionization Mass Spectrometry |
| PBCSBR | Porous Biomass Carrier Sequencing Batch Reactor |