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Chemistry Acronyms Page 203

 Acronym Meaning
PAMSPhotochem. Assessment Monitoring Stations
PAMSAPCR Amplification Of Multiple Specific Alleles
PANPeroxyacetyl Nitrate
PANAKPeroxyacetyl Nitrate Aldehyde Ketones
PANHPolycyclic Aromatic Nitrogen Heterocycle
PANNAPesticide Action Network North America
PAOPolarized Atomic Orbital
PAOPolyphosphate Accumulating Organism
PAOPseudo-atomic Orbital
PAODPeripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease
PAPPancreatitis-associated Protein
PAPProstatic Acid Phosphatase
PAPP-APregnancy-associated Plasma Protein A
PAPSPhase-alternated Pulse Sequence
PAPVDPlasma-assisted Physical Vapor Deposition
PARPopulation At Risk
PARPhotosynthetically Active Radiation
PARProteinase-activated Receptor
PARAFACParallel Factor Analysis
PARCPolycyclic Aromatic Ring Cleavage
PARISSPrism And Reflector Imaging Spectroscopy System
PARPPoly ADP-ribose Polymerase
PARSPhotoacoustic Raman Spectroscopy
PASPeriodic Acid Schiff
PASPhotoacoustic Spectroscopy
PASPositron Annihilation Spectrometry
PASAPCR Amplification Of Specific Alleles
PASADENAPara-hydrogen And Synthesis Allow Dramatically Enhanced Nuclear Alignment
PASHPolycyclic Aromatic Sulfur-containing Hydrocarbons
PASPEPhotochemically Accumulated Stimulated Photon Echo
PASTMPhoton Assisted Scanning Tunnel Microscopy
PATProficiency Analytical Testing (NIOSH)
PATProcess Analytical Technology
PATOLISPatent Online Information System
PATRAMPackaging And Transportation Of Radioactive Material
PAURPhotochemical Activity And Solar Ultraviolet Radiation [project]
PAWProjector Augmented-wave [ab-initio Method]
PAWPlasma Arc Welding
PAWSPortable Acoustic Wave Sensor
PAXPhotoemission Of Adsorbed Xenon
PAZPartial Annealing Zone (fission-track)
PAZProtective Action Zone
PBParticle Beam
PBPolarized Born
PBAPoly(butyl Acrylate)
PBBPolybrominated Biphenyl
PBCPeriodic Bond Chain
PBCPrimary Biliary Cirrhosis
PBCIMSParticle Beam Chem. Ionization Mass Spectrometry
PBCSBRPorous Biomass Carrier Sequencing Batch Reactor

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