| Acronym | Meaning |
| OCIS | OSHA Computerized Information System |
| OCIS | Optics Classification And Indexing Scheme |
| OCLC | Online Computer Library Center |
| OCOS | Orbital Charge-ordering State |
| OCP | Organochlorine Pesticide |
| OCPSF | Organic Chemical, Plastics, And Synthetic Fiber Industry |
| OCR | Optical Character Recognition |
| OCRWM | Office Of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management |
| OCS | Outer Continental Shelf |
| OCSC | Orbital-charge-self-consistent (in Electronic State Calcn.) |
| OCT | Optical Coherence Tomography |
| OCT | Optical Current Transducer |
| OCT | Optimized Cluster Theory |
| OCTA | Oxidizing Capacity Of The Tropospheric Atmosphere |
| OCTG | Oil Country Tubular Goods |
| OCTS | Ocean Color And Temperature Sensor |
| OD | Order-Disorder (in Mineral Structure) |
| OD | Optical Density |
| ODAS | Ocean Data Acquisition System |
| ODC | Optimized Double Configuration |
| ODC | Orientation Distribution Coeffs. |
| ODC | Ozone Depleting Chemical |
| ODCPA | Off-diagonal (disorder) Coherent-potential Approxn. |
| ODES | Ocean Data Evaluation System |
| ODEX | Optical Dynamics Experiments |
| ODF | Orientation Distribution Function |
| ODFS | Optimized Dirac-Fock-Slater |
| ODLRO | Off-diagonal Long-range Order |
| ODLTS | Optical Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy |
| ODMR | Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance |
| ODP | Ocean Drilling Program |
| ODP | Optical Deformation Potential |
| ODP | Ozone Depletion Potential |
| ODPA | 4,4'-oxydiphthalic Anhydride |
| ODPAS | Optically Detected Photoacoustic Spectroscopy |
| ODR | Optical Double Resonance |
| ODS | Oxide Dispersion-strengthened |
| ODS | Ozone Depleting Substances |
| ODSC | Oscillating Differential Scanning Calorimetry |
| ODT | Order-disorder Transition |
| ODU | Optical Density Units |
| ODUS | Ozone Dynamics UV Spectrometer |
| OE | Office Of Enforcement |
| OEA | Occupational Exposure Assessment |
| OEAO | Overlap Enhanced Atomic Orbital |
| OEBR | Optical Edge Bead Removal |
| OECA | Office Of Enforcement And Compliance Assurance |
| OECD | Organization For Economic Cooperation And Development |
| OECD/SIDS | Organisation For Economic Co-operation And Developments Screening Information Data Sets |
| OEH | One-electron Hamiltonian (quantum Method) |