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Chemistry Acronyms Page 193

 Acronym Meaning
NRPSNonribosomal Peptide Synthetase
NRRANuclear Resonant Reaction Analysis
NRTNational Response Team
NRTINucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor
NRTLNon-random Two Liquid
NRWNull Reflecting Water
NSAIDNon-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug
NSCNational Safety Council
NSCEPNational Service Center For Environmental Publications
NSCFNon-self-consistent Field
NSCLCNon-small Cell Lung Cancer
NSCPNorth Sea Community Program
NSCRNonselective Catalytic Reduction
NSCSSNoise-suppressing Capillary Separation System
NSDLNational Science Digital Library
NSDWRNational Secondary Drinking Water Regulations
NSENeuron-specific Enolase
NSENeutron Spin Echo
NSENonlinear Schroedinger Equation
NSERCNatural Sciences And Engineering Research Council (Canada)
NSESNational Science Education Standards
NSFNational Sanitation Foundation
NSFNational Science Foundation
NSFNear-surface Fractionated (mantle)
NSHNormalized Spherical Harmonic (hamiltonian)
NSIDCNational Snow And Ice Data Center (University Of Colorado)
NSLSNational Synchrotron Light Source
NSONatural Spin Orbitals
NSOMNear-field Scanning Optical Microscopy
NSPNorth Sea Project
NSPNon-starch Polysaccharide
NSPSNew Source Performance Standards
NSRNew Source Review
NSRNitrile-silicone Rubber
NSRNormalized Stoichiometric Ratio
NSRDSNational Standard Reference Data System
NSSNational Stream Survey (USA)
NSSDCNational Space Science Data Center
NSSNNational Standards Systems Network
NSSSNational Sewage Sludge Survey
NSSSNuclear Steam Supply System
NSSTCNational Space Science And Technology Center
NSTANational Science Teachers Association
NSTCNational Science And Technology Council
NSTFNorth Sea Task Force (multinational Organization)
NSTLNear Surface Transition Layer
NSTXNational Spherical Torus Experiment
NSWMANational Solid Wastes Management Association
NSWSNational Surface Water Survey
NTANitrilotriacetic Acid

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