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Chemistry Acronyms Page 189

 Acronym Meaning
NISNeutron Inelastic-scattering
NISSodium Iodide Symporter
NISONational Information Standards Organization
NISTNational Institute Of Standards And Technology (formerly NBS)
NISTONon-integer Slater-type Orbital
NITEPNational Incinerator Testing And Evaluation Program (Canada)
NITFSNational Imagery Transmission Format Standard
NITMNormalized Irreducible Tensorial Matrix
NITSNational Institute Of Technology And Standards
NIWANational Institute For Water And Atm. Research [New Zealand]
NIWGNational Interagency Work Group
NIWRNational Institute For Water Research (South Africa)
NIXSWNormal Incidence X-ray Standing Wave
NJTSRNew Jersey Trade Secret Registry
NKNatural Killer
NKA(Na2O + K2O)/Al2O3
NKBNachklarbecken; Secondary Settling Tank
NKNSodium Potassium Niobate
NL-SCFNonlocal (density Functional)-self-consistent Field
NLAPNonlimited Aeration Process (for Waste Treatment)
NLCNext Linear Collider
NLCNematic Liq. Crystal
NLCNoctilucent Cloud
NLCRNonlinear Continuum Regression
NLDANonlocal Density Approxn.
NLDFNonlocal Density Functional
NLDFTNonlocal Density Functional Theory
NLETNational Laboratory For Environmental Testing
NLGINational Lubricating Grease Institute
NLLAPNational Lead Laboratory Accreditation Program
NLLSNonlinear Least Squares
NLLSCFNonlinear Least Squares Curve Fitting
NLLSFNon-linear Least Square Fitting
NLLSQNonlinear Least Squares
NLMNational Library Of Medicine
NLMNonlinear Mapping
NLMONatural Localized Mol. Orbital
NLMONonorthogonal Localized Molecular Orbital
NLONonlinear Optical
NLPNatural Language Processing
NLPNonlinear Programming
NLPLSNonlinear Partial Least Squares
NLSNonlinear Schroedinger Equation
NLSNuclear Localization Signal
NLSDNonlocal Spin Density (functional Theory)
NLSLENonlinear Schroedinger-Langevin Equation
NLTENon-local Thermodynamic Equilibrium
NLXCNonlocal Exchange Correlation (potential)
NMANuclear Microanalysis

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