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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 188

 Acronym Meaning
NHLNon-Hodgkin Lymphoma
NHLBINational Heart
NHMRCNational Health And Medical Research Council (Australia)
NHONatural Hybrid Orbital
NHOMONext Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital
NHRLNorthern Hemisphere Reference Line
NIANational Institute On Aging
NIAIDNational Institute Of Allergy And Infectious Diseases
NIBSCNational Institute For Biological Standards And Control
NICANonideal Competitive Adsorption
NICENeutral Interstellar Composition Experiment
NICE-OHMSNoise-immune Cavity-enhanced Optical Heterodyne Molecular Spectroscopy
NICINegative Ion Chemical Ionization (mass Spectrometry)
NICISSNeutral Impact Collision Ion Scattering Spectroscopy
NICMOSNear-IR Camera And Multiobject Spectrometer
NICNASNational Industrial Chemicals Notification And Assessment Scheme (Australia)
NICSNucleus-independent Chemical Shifts
NIDDMNon-insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus
NIEHSNational Institute Of Environmental Health Science
NIELNon-ionizing Energy Loss
NIEMNoniterative Integral Equation Method
NIESNational Institute For Environmental Studies (Japan)
NIESSTNuclear Decay-induced Excited-spin-state Trapping
NIFNational Ignition Facility
NIGANeutron Induced Gamma Activity
NIGETNeutron-induced Gamma-ray Emission Tomography
NIGMSNational Institute Of General Medical Sciences (NIH)
NIHNational Institutes Of Health
NIHHSNotification Of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances Regulations (UK)
NIHLNoise-Induced Hearing Loss
NIMBYNot In My Backyard
NIMRNational Institute For Medical Research
NIMSNear-IR Mapping Spectrometer
NIMSNegative Ion Mass Spectrometry
NIOSHNational Institute For Occupational Safety And Health
NIPALSNonlinear Iterative Partial Least Squares
NIPDWRNational Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations
NIPRNational Institute Of Polar Research
NIRNear Infrared
NIRANear Infrared Reflection Analysis
NIRDIANear Infrared Dye Immunoassay
NIRENational Institute For Resources And Environment
NIRFNear-infrared Fluorescence
NIRIMNational Institute For Research In Inorganic Materials
NIRIMNational Institute For Research In Inorganic Materials
NIRIMNear-IR Raman Imaging Microscope
NIRISNear-infrared Imaging Spectroscopy
NIRMSNoble Gas-ion Reflection Mass Spectrometry
NIRSNational Inorganics And Radionuclides Survey
NIRSNeutral Impact Radiation Spectroscopy

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