| Acronym | Meaning |
| NESC | National Environmental Supercomputing Center |
| NESCAUM | North East States Coalition For Air Use Management |
| NESDIS | National Environmental Satellite |
| NESHAP | National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants |
| NESHAPS | National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants |
| NET | Norepinephrine Transporter |
| NETA | National Environmental Training Association |
| NETAC | National Effluent Toxicity Assessment Center |
| NETAC | National Environmental Technol. Applications Corporation |
| NETD | Noise Equiv. Temp. Difference |
| NETI | National Enforcement Training Institute |
| NETL | National Energy Technology Laboratory |
| NEVE | Nonempirical Valence Electron Method |
| NEWS | National Surface Water Survey (USEPA) |
| NEWWA | New England Water Works Association |
| NEXAFS | Near-edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure |
| NF | Nuclear Factor |
| NF-E1 | Nuclear Factor Erythroid 1 |
| NFAIS | National Federation Of Abstracting And Information Services |
| NFAT | Nuclear Factor For Activated T Cells |
| NFCR | National Foundation For Cancer Research |
| NFE-TB | Nearly-free-electron Tight-bonding (for Electronic Structure) |
| NFKB | Nuclear Factor Kappa B |
| NFOM | Near-field Optical Microscopy |
| NFP | Neurofilament Protein |
| NFPA | National Fire Protection Association |
| NFRAP | No Further Remedial Action Planned |
| NFT | Neurofibrillary Tangle |
| NGC | New General Catalog Of Nebula And Clusters Of Starspar |
| NGCC | Natural Gas Combined Cycle |
| NGDC | National Geophysical Data Center |
| NGF | Nerve Growth Factor |
| NGFI | Nerve Growth Factor-inducedpar |
| NGL | Natural Gas Liquid (usually Ethane Or Propane) |
| NGO | Nongovernment Organization(s) |
| NGPSA | Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act |
| NGST | Next Generation Space Telescope |
| NGV | Natural Gas Vehicle |
| NGWA | National Ground Water Association |
| NHANES | National Health And Nutrition Examination Survey |
| NHE | Na+-H+ Exchanger |
| NHE | Normal Hydrogen Electrode |
| NHEJ | Nonhomologous End Joining |
| NHEK | Normal Human Epidermal Keratinocyte |
| NHEXAS | National Human Exposure Assessment Survey |
| NHF | Nonrelativistic Numerical Hartree-Fock |
| NHF | Numerical Hartree-Fock |
| NHF(FC) | Nonrelativistic Numerical Hartree-Fock (frozen-core ) |
| NHFPT | Nonorthogonal Hartree-Fock Perturbation Theory |
| NHGRI | National Human Genome Research Institute |