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Chemistry Acronyms Page 186

 Acronym Meaning
NEBDNonequilibrium Brownian Dynamics
NEBLANon-equilibrium Boundary Layer Analysis
NEBOSHNational Examination Board In Occupational Safety And Health
NECNational Electrical Code
NECACNational Environmental Compliance Assistance Center
NECEEMNonequilibrium Capillary Electrophoresis Of Equilibrium Mix
NECTARNational Electronic Clinical Trials And Research
NEDBNational Exposure Database (HSE)
NEDOThe New Energy Development Organization (Japan)
NEDORNuclear Electron Double Resonance
NEDSNational Emission Data System (USEPA)
NEDTNoise Equivalent Delta T
NEENet Ecosystem Exchange
NEENanoelectrode Ensemble
NEEIANonseparation Electrochemical Enzyme Binding/immunoassay
NEETNational Environmental Education And Training Program
NEETNuclear Excitation In Electronic Transition
NEGFNonequilibrium Green Function
NEHANational Environmental Health Association
NEICNational Enforcement Investigations Center
NEISNational Environmental Information Service
NEJACNational Environmental Justice Advisory Council
NEKIANational Education Knowledge Industry Association
NELNo Effect Level
NELACNational Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference
NELAPNational Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program
NELCNon-exclusion Liquid Chromatography
NEMNAAQS Exposure Model
NEMANational Electrical Manufactures Association
NEMCANon-faradaic Electrochemical Modification Of Catalytic Activity
NEMDNon-equilibrium Molecular Dynamics
NEMINational Environmental Methods Index
NEMONonempirical Molecular Orbital
NEMSNanoelectromechanical Systems
NEONear-Earth Objects
NEOPSNorth East Oxidant And Particle Study
NEPANational Environmental Policy Act
NEPHGENon-equilibrium PH Gradient Electrophoresis
NEPPNational Energy Policy Plan
NERNucleotide Excision Repair
NERACNew England Research Applications Center
NERCNatural Environment Research Council (UK)
NERCNorth American Electric Reliability Council
NERDNeutron Elastic Recoil Detection
NEROSNortheast Regional Oxidant Study
NERVANuclear Engine For Rocket Vehicle Application
NESNational Energy Strategy
NESNeurobehavioral Evaluation System
NESUS National Eutrophication Study
NESNuclear Export Signal

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