| Acronym | Meaning |
| MTBF | Mean Time Between Failure |
| MTC | Magnetization Transfer Contrast |
| MTC | Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma |
| MTCT | Mother-to-child Transmission |
| MTD | Maximum Tolerated Dose |
| MTD | Mean Therapeutic Dose |
| MTDNA | Mitochondrial DNA |
| MTDSC | Modulated Temperature Differential Scanning Calorimetry |
| MTEL | Maximum Tolerable Exposure Levels |
| MTES | Metastable Transfer Emission Spectroscopy |
| MTF | Multiple Tube Fermentation |
| MTFE | Mercury Thin-film Electrode |
| MTJ | Magnetic Tunnel Junction |
| MTO | Muffin-tin Orbital |
| MTOC | Microtubule-organizing Center |
| MTOF | Mass Time-Of-Flight |
| MTOR | Mammalian Target Of Rapamycin |
| MTPE | Mission To Planet Earth |
| MTR | Minimum Technology Requirements (RCRA) |
| MTTP | Maximum Total Trihalomethane Potential |
| MTX(ALPHA) | Muffin-tin X(alpha) Statistical Exchange |
| MUBFF | Modified Urey Bradley Force Field |
| MUCA | Molecular Unit Cell Approxn. |
| MUCS | Minimum-uncertainty Coherent States (wave Functions) |
| MUCT | Multiphase Unsaturated Zone Contaminant Transport Model |
| MUDPIT | Multidimensional Protein Identification Technology |
| MUFA | Monounsaturated Fatty Acids |
| MULAP | Mulliken Approximation |
| MULSAM | Multispectral Analytical Electron Microscope |
| MULTIMED | Multimedia Exposure Assessment Model |
| MURINES | Muon Ring Neutrino Experiments |
| MUSAC | Measurement Uncertainty Software In Analytical Chemistry |
| MUSGE | Miniaturized Ultrathin Slab Gel Electrophoresis |
| MUSIC | Multiplicity Selective In-phase Coherence Transfer |
| MUSLE | Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (erosion Model) |
| MVA | Muellverbrennungsanlage (German) Waste Incineration Plant |
| MVC | Mechanical Vapor Compression |
| MVC | Multi-variable Control |
| MVCD | Magnetic Vibrational Circular Dichroism |
| MVE | Methyl Vinyl Ether |
| MVEG | Motor Vehicle Emissions Group |
| MVEL | Motor Vehicle Emission Laboratory |
| MVFF | Modified Valence Force Field |
| MVMA | Motor Vehicle Manufactures Association |
| MVO | Modified Virtual Orbital |
| MVP | Major Vault Protein |
| MVP | Mitral Valve Prolapse |
| MVR | Mechanical Vapor Recompression (evaporator) |
| MVT | Mississippi Valley-type |
| MW | Molecular Weight |