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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 181

 Acronym Meaning
MTBFMean Time Between Failure
MTCMagnetization Transfer Contrast
MTCMedullary Thyroid Carcinoma
MTCTMother-to-child Transmission
MTDMaximum Tolerated Dose
MTDMean Therapeutic Dose
MTDNAMitochondrial DNA
MTDSCModulated Temperature Differential Scanning Calorimetry
MTELMaximum Tolerable Exposure Levels
MTESMetastable Transfer Emission Spectroscopy
MTFMultiple Tube Fermentation
MTFEMercury Thin-film Electrode
MTJMagnetic Tunnel Junction
MTOMuffin-tin Orbital
MTOCMicrotubule-organizing Center
MTOFMass Time-Of-Flight
MTORMammalian Target Of Rapamycin
MTPEMission To Planet Earth
MTRMinimum Technology Requirements (RCRA)
MTTPMaximum Total Trihalomethane Potential
MTX(ALPHA)Muffin-tin X(alpha) Statistical Exchange
MUBFFModified Urey Bradley Force Field
MUCAMolecular Unit Cell Approxn.
MUCSMinimum-uncertainty Coherent States (wave Functions)
MUCTMultiphase Unsaturated Zone Contaminant Transport Model
MUDPITMultidimensional Protein Identification Technology
MUFAMonounsaturated Fatty Acids
MULAPMulliken Approximation
MULSAMMultispectral Analytical Electron Microscope
MULTIMEDMultimedia Exposure Assessment Model
MURINESMuon Ring Neutrino Experiments
MUSACMeasurement Uncertainty Software In Analytical Chemistry
MUSGEMiniaturized Ultrathin Slab Gel Electrophoresis
MUSICMultiplicity Selective In-phase Coherence Transfer
MUSLEModified Universal Soil Loss Equation (erosion Model)
MVAMuellverbrennungsanlage (German) Waste Incineration Plant
MVCMechanical Vapor Compression
MVCMulti-variable Control
MVCDMagnetic Vibrational Circular Dichroism
MVEMethyl Vinyl Ether
MVEGMotor Vehicle Emissions Group
MVELMotor Vehicle Emission Laboratory
MVFFModified Valence Force Field
MVMAMotor Vehicle Manufactures Association
MVOModified Virtual Orbital
MVPMajor Vault Protein
MVPMitral Valve Prolapse
MVRMechanical Vapor Recompression (evaporator)
MVTMississippi Valley-type
MWMolecular Weight

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