| Acronym | Meaning |
| APC | Antigen Presenting Cell |
| APCA | Air Pollution Control Association |
| APCAR | Angular Correlation Of Positron Annihilation Radiation |
| APCD | Air Pollution Control Device |
| APCD | Air Pollution Control District |
| APCE | Air Pollution Control Equipment |
| APCE | Affinity Probe Capillary Electrophoresis |
| APCI | Atm. Pressure Chem. Ionization |
| APCRC | Australian Petroleum Cooperative Research Center |
| APCS | Argonne Premium Coal Sample |
| APCVD | Atm.-pressure Chem. Vapor Deposition |
| APD | Action Potential Duration |
| APD | Air Particulate Detector |
| APD | Antiphase Domain |
| APD | Avalanche Photodiode |
| APD | Azimuthal Photoelectron Diffraction |
| APDB | Antiphase Domain Boundary |
| APDC | Ammonium Pyrrolydinedithiocarbamate |
| APDG | Antisymmetrized Product Of Delocalized Geminals (wave Function) |
| APDI | Anisotropic Point-dipole Interaction (model For Calcg. Long-range Intermol. Dispersion Forces) |
| APE | Aerosol Photoemission |
| APECED | Autoimmune Polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal Dystrophy |
| APECS | Auger Photoelectron Coincidence Spectroscopy |
| APEG | Alkaline Polyethylene Glycolate |
| APEGM | Alkaline Polyethylene Glycolate Monomethyl Ether |
| APELL | Awareness And Preparedness For Emergencies At Local Level |
| APEO | Alkylphenol Ethoxylates |
| APES | Adiabatic Potential Energy Surface |
| APES | Atomic Plasma Emission Spectroscopy |
| APET | Amorphous Poly(ethylene Terephthalate) |
| APEX | Active Plasma Experiment Satellite |
| APF | Acidulated Phosphate Fluoride |
| APF | Advanced Particle Filter |
| APFIM | Atom Probe Field Ion Microscopy |
| APFO | Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate |
| APFU | Atoms Per Formula Unit |
| APG | Alkyl Polyglycosidepar |
| APG | Antisymmetrized Product Of Geminals (wave Function) |
| APGF | Antisymmetrical Product Of Group Functions (a Wave Function) |
| APH | Adiabatically Adjusting |
| APHA | American Public Health Association |
| APHEA2 | Air Pollution And Health: A European Approach 2 |
| APHIS | Animal And Plant Health Inspection Service |
| API | American Petroleum Institute |
| API | Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient |
| API | Air Pollution Index |
| API | Atmosheric Pressure Ionization |
| APIG | Antisymmetrized Product (of) Identical Geminals |
| APIMS | Atmospheric Pressure Ionization Mass Spectrometry |
| APIOS | Acid Precipitation In Ontario Study |