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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 174

 Acronym Meaning
MLKMixed-lineage Kinase
MLOPEXMauna Loa Observatory Photochemistry Experiment
MLPCAMaximum Likelihood Principal Component Analysis
MLRMultilinear Regression
MLRAMultiple Linear Regression Analysis
MLSMicrowave Limb Sounder
MLSMolecular Luminescence Spectroscopy
MLSCMicrovolume Laser Scanning Cytometry
MLSCNMolecular Libraries Screening Centers Network
MLSSMixed Liquor Suspended Solids
MLTMagnetic Local Time
MLTCSMesosphere-lower Thermosphere Coupling Study
MLVAMultiple-locus Variable-number Tandem Repeat Analysispar
MLVSSMixed Liquor Volatile Suspended Solids
MMMisch Metal
MMAManual Metal Arc Welding
MMAMethyl Methacrylate
MMADMass Median Aerodynamic Diameter (aerosol)
MMCMetal-Matrix Composite
MMCMolecular Mechanics For Clusters Model
MMCDFMultichannel Multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock Method
MMDMass Medium Diameter (particle Size)
MMDRMicrowave-microwave Double Resonance
MMEFMaximum Mid-expiratory Flow (lung Function)
MMFFMolecular Mechanics Force Field
MMIMucous Membrane Effects
MMIMan-machine Interface
MMICMonolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit
MMLVMoloney Murine Leukemia Virus
MMMFMan-Made Mineral Fiber
MMOMixed-mode Oscillation
MMPMonitoring Master Plan (of North Sea Task Force)
MMPMatrix Metalloproteinase
MMPCMetal-matrix Particulate Composites
MMRMagnetometric Restivity (method For Subsurface Characterization)
MMRMismatch Repair
MMSMerged Markush Service
MMSMolecular Modulation Spectroscopy
MMSEMinimum Mean Square Error
MMSVMorse-Morse-Spline-van Der Waals (potential Function)
MMTMethylcyclopentadienylmanganese Tricarbonyl
MMTVMouse Mammary Tumor Virus
MMVFMan Made Vitreous Fibers
MNDOModified Neglect Of Diatomic Overlap
MNDOModified Neglect Of Differential Overlap
MNDO-HEModified Neglect Of Diatomic Overlap-half Electron
MNDO-PM3Modified Neglect Of Diatomic Overlap-parametric Method
MNDO/HMNDO For H-bonded Systems
MNDOCModified Neglect Of Diatomic Overlap Correlated

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