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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 170

 Acronym Meaning
MELASMitochondrial Myopathy
MELISAMultianalyte Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay
MELODRAMAMelding Of Spin-locking Dipolar Recovery At The Magic Angle
MEMMaximum Entropy Method
MEMOSAMicroelectromechanical Optical Sensor Array
MEMPTMany-electron Many-photon Theory (in Dynamic-polarizability Calcns. For Atoms And Ions)
MEMSMicroelectromechanical Systems
MEMTBMany-electron Mol. Tight-binding (for Electronic Structures)
MEN1Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1
MEORMicrobially Enhanced Oil Recovery
MEPMatrix Effective Potential (for Scattering Calcns.)
MEPMolecular Electrostatic Potential
MEPMultiple Extraction Procedure
MEPASMultimedia Environmental Pollution Assessment System
MEPCMarine Environment Protection Committee
MEPEDMedium Energy Proton & Electron Detector
MEPSAGMinimum Energy Path Semiclassical Adiabatic Ground-state (tunneling Approxn.)
MERDMetal-enhanced Reductive Dehalogenation
MERDMine Emergency Responsiveness Development
MERIEMagnetically Enhanced Reactive Ion Etching
MERISMedium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer
MERLINMulti-element Radio-linked Interferometer Network
MERRFMyoclonic Epilepsy Associated With Ragged-red Muscle Fibers
MERTMedical Emergency Response Team
MERTMicroelectrical Resistance Tomography
MERTModified Effective-range Theory (for Electron-mol. Scattering)
MES2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic Acid
MESMethyl Ester Sulfonates (surfactants)
MESMolecular Emission Spectroscopy
MESAMass Concentration Extinction Size Analyzer
MESAMaximum Entropy Spectral Analysis
MESAMesoscale Self-assembly
MESFETMetal Semiconductor Field-effect Transistor
MESIMembrane Extn. With A Sorbent Interface
MESIMSMatrix-enhanced Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
MESIPModeling Environmental Scenarios In Ponds
MESNASodium 2-mercaptoethane Sulfonate
MESPMolecular Electrostatic Potential
MESQUAC-MOMixed Electrostatic Quantum Chemical Calculation-MO
METMany Electron Theory (for Singlet Ground State)
METMultichannel Eikonal Theory (in Atom Electron-impact Excitation)
METAALICUSMercury Experiment To Assess Atmospheric Loading In Canada And The US
METCMorgantown Energy Technology Center
MEUFMicellar Enhanced Ultrafiltration
MEUGMinimum Energy Uncertainty Gaussian (wave Packets)
MEVMink Enteritis Virus
MEVVAMetal Vapor Vacuum Arc
MEXAMultiple-energy X-ray Absorptiometry
MEXHMultiple-energy X-ray Holography
MFMembrane Filtration

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