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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 167

 Acronym Meaning
MCEMixed Cellulose Ester
MCEMultichannel Eikonal (method For Scattering Calcns.)
MCEBMulticonfiguration Energy Bound
MCEB-NEVMulticonfigurational Energy Bound-natural Eigenvalue Method
MCEPMulticonfigurational Electron Propagator (in Ionization Potential Calcns.)
MCFMonocyte Cytotoxicity Factor
MCFMutually Consistent Field Method (in Calcns. On Intermolecular Interactions)
MCFCMolten Carbonate Fuel Cells
MCGRMonte-Carlo Renormalization Group
MCHMean Cell Hemoglobin
MCHMelanin Concentrating Hormone
MCHCMean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (occupational Exposure)
MCHFMulticonfiguration Hartree-Fock
MCHF-BPMulticonfiguration Hartree-Fock Breit-Pauli
MCIMild Cognitive Impairment
MCICMetals And Ceramics Information Center
MCKMuscle Creatine Kinase
MCLMaximum Contaminant Level
MCLMethod Calibration Limit
MCLEDMicrocavity Light-emitting Diode
MCLGMaximum Contaminant Level Goal
MCLRMulticonfigurational Linear Response (an MC-SCF Method)
MCLTMinority Carrier Lifetime
MCMMesoporous Crystalline Material
MCMMinichromosome Maintenance
MCMMultichip Modules
MCMMulticonfigurational (variation Of) Moments (for Mo Correlation Diagrams Calcn.)
MCM 41Mobil Catalytic Material 41
MCMCMarkov Chain Monte Carlo
MCMPModified Corrugated Morse Potential
MCNMicroconcentric Nebulizer
MCNDOModified Complete Neglect Of Differential Overlap
MCNPGeneral Monte Carlo Code For Neutron And Photon Transport
MCOPMMulticonfiguration Optimized Potential Model
MCPMajor Capsid Protein
MCPMicrochannel Plate
MCPModel Core Potential
MCPMonocyte Chemoattractant Protein
MCP2PMulticonfigurational Particle-particle Propagator
MCPA2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic Acid
MCPAMolecular Coherent-potential Approximation
MCPB(4-(2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxy)butyric Acid
MCPFModified Coupled-pair Functional (method In CI Calcns.)
MCPF+RModified Coupled-pair Functional (method With) Relativistic (correction)
MCPIMonte Carlo Path Integration
MCPNMatrix Coherent Potential Approximation
MCPP(+/-)-2-(4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy)propionic Acid (REG: 7085190)
MCPSAGMarcus-Coltrin-Path Semiclassical Adiabatic Ground-state (transmission Coeffs.)
MCQDAMultichannel Quantum Defect Analysis
MCQDPT2Second-order Multiconfigurational Quasi-degenerate Perturbation

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