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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 165

 Acronym Meaning
MAREMFMARtian Electrons And Magnetic Field
MARFMagic Angle In The Rotating Frame
MARGMicroarray Research Group
MARIAMethods For Assessing The Radiological Impact Of Accidents
MARISMississippi Automated Resource Information System
MARISSMass Resolved Ion Scattering Spectrometry
MARKMid-Atlantic Ridge At The Kane Fracture Zone
MARSMembrane Anaerobic Reactor System
MARSMultivariate Adaptive Regression Splines
MARYMagnetic Field Effect On The Reaction Yield
MASMagic Angle Spinning (solid State NMR)
MASMolecular Absorption Spectroscopy
MASEMicrowave-assisted Solvent Extraction
MASERMicrowave Amplification By Stimulated Emission Of Radiation
MASERATIMiddle Atmosphere Spectrometric Experiment On Rockets For Analysis Of Trace Gas Influences
MASHMgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O System
MASIFMeasurement And Analysis Of Surface Interaction Forces
MASP-HMOMutual Additive Substituent Parameter-Hueckel Molecular Orbital
MASSMagic Angle Sample Spinning
MASTMarine Science And Technology Programme
MASTMega-Amp Spherical Tokamak
MASTERMethod Of Adhesion By Spin-on-dielectric Temperature Enhanced Reflow
MATMagic Angle Turning
MATMicroactivity Tests
MATCMaximum Acceptable Toxicant Concentrations
MATHEWMass-Consistent-3-Dimensional Wind Field
MATIMass-analyzed Threshold Ionization Spectroscopy
MAVRIQModel Of Analysis Of Volatiles And Residential Indoor-air Quality
MAWPMaximum Allowable Working Pressure
MAXIMonitor Of All-sky X-ray Image
MB-SAPTMany Body-symmetry Adapted Perturbation Theory
MB-SAPTMany-body Symmetry-adapted Perturbation Theory
MBASMethylene Blue Active Substance (surfactant)
MBBRMoving Bed Biofilm Reactor
MBEMany-body Expansion (in Mol. Potential Energy Surface Calcn.)
MBEMolecular Beam Epitaxy
MBERMolecular Beam Electron Resonance
MBESHOMaximum Bond-energy Symmetry Hybrid Orbital
MBESMOMaximum Bond Energy Symmetry MO
MBESOMaximum Bond Energy Symmetry Orbital
MBGFMany-body Green Function
MBHMediobasal Hypothalamus
MBIEMixed-bed Ion Exchange
MBMSMolecular Beam Mass Spectrometry
MBPMajor Basic Protein
MBPMaltose-binding Protein
MBPMixed Basis Pseudopotential (method For Electronic-structure)
MBPMyelin Basic Protein
MBPLSMultiblock Partial Least Squares
MBPMMaximum Bubble Pressure Method

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