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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 163

 Acronym Meaning
LVBSLinear Variational Basis Set (formalism In Calcns. On Scattering)
LVDTLinear Variable Differential Transformer
LVHLeft Ventricular Hypertrophy
LVLLaminated Veneer Lumber
LVM-STLeast-squares Variational Method (involving Only) Square-integrable (test Functions) (for Wave Functions In Scattering)
LVPLeft Ventricular Pressure
LVQLearning Vector Quantization
LVSEMLow Vacuum Scanning Electron Microscopy
LVSEMLow Voltage Scanning Electron Microscopy
LWBRLight-water Breeder Reactor
LWCLight-weight Coated (paper)
LWIRLong Wavelength IR
LWRLight-water Reactor
LWRLocally Weighted Regression
LWSPLiquid Waste Solidification Project
LXRLiver X Receptorpar
LZCLiquid Zone Control (in Alloy Processing)
M-DOPEMultivariate Design Of Process Experiments
M/ZMass-to-charge Ratio
MAMalonic Acidpar
MAMission Abort
MAMaleic Anhydride
MAAMelanoma-associated Antigen
MAAMethacrylic Acid
MAACMaximum Ambient Air Concentration
MABMolecular Aharonov-Bohm (electronic-structure Effect)
MABMonoclonal Antibodies
MACMaximum Admissible Concentration
MACMethyl Allyl Chloride
MACAWSMulti-center Airborne Coherent Atmospheric Wind Sensor
MACHOMassive Compact Halo Object
MACSMagnetic Cell Sorting System
MACSModified Atomic Charge Superposition (in Calcns. On Atom-surface Scattering Potentials)
MACSIMSMeasurement Of Atmospheric Constituents By Selective Ion Mass Spectrometry
MACSPMarine Analytical Chemistry Standards Program
MACTMaximum Achievable Control Technology
MADMultiwavelength Anomalous Diffraction
MADCAPModel Of Advection
MADEThe Macro-Dispersion Test Site
MADIXMacromolecular Design Via The Interchange Of Xanthates (polymn. Using Xanthates As Chain Transfer Agents)
MAEMicroalloying Elements
MAEMicrowave-assisted Extraction
MAERMaximum Allowable Emission Rate
MAESMetastable Atom Electron Spectroscopy
MAESAMeasurements For Assessing The Effects Of Stratospheric Aircraft
MAFFMinistry Of Agriculture
MAFIASMicro Ammonia Flow Injection Analysis System
MAFIDMoment Analysis Of Fluorescence-intensity Distribution
MAGMetal Arc Gas (welding)

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