| Acronym | Meaning |
| LVBS | Linear Variational Basis Set (formalism In Calcns. On Scattering) |
| LVDT | Linear Variable Differential Transformer |
| LVH | Left Ventricular Hypertrophy |
| LVL | Laminated Veneer Lumber |
| LVM-ST | Least-squares Variational Method (involving Only) Square-integrable (test Functions) (for Wave Functions In Scattering) |
| LVP | Left Ventricular Pressure |
| LVQ | Learning Vector Quantization |
| LVSEM | Low Vacuum Scanning Electron Microscopy |
| LVSEM | Low Voltage Scanning Electron Microscopy |
| LWBR | Light-water Breeder Reactor |
| LWC | Light-weight Coated (paper) |
| LWIR | Long Wavelength IR |
| LWR | Light-water Reactor |
| LWR | Locally Weighted Regression |
| LWSP | Liquid Waste Solidification Project |
| LXR | Liver X Receptorpar |
| LZC | Liquid Zone Control (in Alloy Processing) |
| M-DOPE | Multivariate Design Of Process Experiments |
| M-PCILO | Modified PCILO |
| M/Z | Mass-to-charge Ratio |
| MA | Malonic Acidpar |
| MA | Mission Abort |
| MA | Maleic Anhydride |
| MAA | Melanoma-associated Antigen |
| MAA | Methacrylic Acid |
| MAAC | Maximum Ambient Air Concentration |
| MAB | Molecular Aharonov-Bohm (electronic-structure Effect) |
| MAB | Monoclonal Antibodies |
| MAC | Maximum Admissible Concentration |
| MAC | Methyl Allyl Chloride |
| MACAWS | Multi-center Airborne Coherent Atmospheric Wind Sensor |
| MACHO | Massive Compact Halo Object |
| MACS | Magnetic Cell Sorting System |
| MACS | Modified Atomic Charge Superposition (in Calcns. On Atom-surface Scattering Potentials) |
| MACSIMS | Measurement Of Atmospheric Constituents By Selective Ion Mass Spectrometry |
| MACSP | Marine Analytical Chemistry Standards Program |
| MACT | Maximum Achievable Control Technology |
| MAD | Multiwavelength Anomalous Diffraction |
| MADCAP | Model Of Advection |
| MADE | The Macro-Dispersion Test Site |
| MADIX | Macromolecular Design Via The Interchange Of Xanthates (polymn. Using Xanthates As Chain Transfer Agents) |
| MAE | Microalloying Elements |
| MAE | Microwave-assisted Extraction |
| MAER | Maximum Allowable Emission Rate |
| MAES | Metastable Atom Electron Spectroscopy |
| MAESA | Measurements For Assessing The Effects Of Stratospheric Aircraft |
| MAFF | Ministry Of Agriculture |
| MAFIAS | Micro Ammonia Flow Injection Analysis System |
| MAFID | Moment Analysis Of Fluorescence-intensity Distribution |
| MAG | Metal Arc Gas (welding) |