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Chemistry Acronyms Page 157

 Acronym Meaning
LIBSLaser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
LIBSLigand-induced Binding Sites
LIBWELaser-induced Backside Wet Etching
LICSLaser-induced Continuum Structure
LIDLow Impact Developmentpar
LIDLased Induced Desorption
LIDLaser Implant-deposition
LIDARLaser Intensity Direction And Ranging
LIDTLaser-induced Damage Threshold
LIESALaser Induced Emission Spectral Analysis
LIESSTLight-induced Excited Spin State Trapping
LIFLaser Induced Fluorescence
LIFLeukemia Inhibitory Factor
LIFDLaser-induced Fluorescence Detection
LIFILaser-induced Fluorescence Imaging
LIFRLeukemia Inhibitory Factor Receptor
LIFSLaser Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy
LIFTLaser Induced Forward Transfer
LIGOLaser-interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory
LIGSLaser-induced Grating Spectroscopy
LIILiquid Injection Incinerator
LILELarge-ion Lithophile Element
LIMLast Interglacial Maximum (era Of Warm Nonglacial Climate Between PGP And LGM)
LIMLiquid-injection Molding
LIMALaser-induced Ion-mass Analyzer
LIMBLimestone Injection/multistage Burner
LIMSLaser Ionization Mass Spectrometry
LIMSLimb Infrared Monitor Of The Stratosphere
LIMSLaboratory Information Management System
LINELong Interspersed Element
LINEARLincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research
LINFLaser-induced Native Fluorescence
LIOASLaser-induced Optoacoustic Spectroscopy
LIPLaser-induced Plasma
LIPASLaser Induced Photoacoustic Spectroscopy
LIPMLaser Integrating Plate Method
LIPODLaser Induced Photochemical Oxidative Destruction Process
LIPSLanthanide Ion Probe Spectroscopy
LIPSLaser-induced Plasma Spectroscopy
LIPSSLaser-induced Periodic Surface Structures
LIRLimiting Infiltration Rate
LIRELaser Ionization Recombination Emission
LISLightning Imaging Sensor
LISLanthanide-induced Shift
LISALaser Interferometer Space Antenna
LISALibrary And Information Science Abstracts
LISALander For Ion-selective Analysis
LISPSLaser-induced Shock Wave Plasma Spectroscopy
LISSLow Ionic Strength Solution

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