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Chemistry Acronyms Page 148

 Acronym Meaning
IUAMIndependent United Atom Model (in Positron Scattering By Mols.)
IUAPPAInternational Union Of Air Pollution Prevention Associations
IUBMBInternational Union Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology
IUBSInternational Union Of Biological Sciences
IUCHFImproved Uncoupled Hartree Fock
IUCLIDInternational Uniform ChemicaL Information Database
IUCNInternational Union For Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources
IUCRInternational Union Of Crystallography
IUEInternational Ultraviolet Explorer
IUGGInternational Union Of Geodesy And Geophysics
IUGSInternational Union Of Geological Sciences
IUMSInternational Union Of Microbiological Societies
IUPABInternational Union Of Pure And Applied Biophysics
IUPACInternational Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry
IUPAPInternational Union Of Pure And Applied Physics
IUPHARInternational Union Of Pharmacology
IUPPAThe International Union Of Air Pollution Prevention Associations
IUTOXInternational Union Of Toxicology
IUVSTAInternational Union Of Vacuum Science
IVAIntravehicular Activity (related To Spacecraft)
IVAPIntimate Valence Alternation Pairs (bonding Model In Electronic Structure Calcns.)
IVCIn Vitro Culture
IVCInferior Vena Cava
IVCTIntervalence Charge Transfer
IVFIn Vitro Fertilization
IVGTTIntravenous Glucose Tolerance Test
IVMIn Vitro Maturation
IVNAAIn Vivo Neutron Activation Analysis
IVOImproved Virtual Orbital
IVRIntramolecular Vibrational Energy Redistribution
IWEMInstitution Of Water And Environmental Management
IWGInternational Working Group
IWICInternational Waste Identification Code
IWKBIterated Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin
IWMISINEL Industrial Waste Management Information System
IWOPIntegration Within (an Ordered Product Of) Operators
IWRAInternational Water Resources Association (USA)
IWSIonizing Wet Scrubber
IWSAInternational Water Supply Association
IWWIndustrial Wastewater
IXIon Exchange
IXSInternational XAFS Society
IZAInternational Zeolite Association
J(Z)CCSJ(z) Conserving Centrifugal Sudden Approximation (in Molecular Collisions
J(Z)CCSJ(z)-conserving Coupled States Method (for Rotationally Inelastic Atom-molecule Collisions
JAERIJapanese Atomic Energy Research Institute
JAICIJapan Association For International Chemical Information
JAIEJapan Association Of Ion Exchange
JAKJanus Kinase
JAMJunctional Adhesion Molecule

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