| Acronym | Meaning |
| IMB | Information Management Branch |
| IMBPT | Interaction Many-body Perturbation Theory |
| IMC | Intermetallic Matrix Composite |
| IMCL | Intramyocellular Lipid |
| IMD | Intermetal Dielectric |
| IMDG | International Maritime Dangerous Goods |
| IMDL | Interlaboratory Method Detection Limits |
| IME | Interdigitated Microsensor Electrode |
| IMEP | International Measurement Evaluation Program |
| IMF | Interplanetary Magnetic Field |
| IMF | Initial Mass Function |
| IMF | Intermediate Mass Fragment |
| IMFP | Inelastic Mean Free Paths |
| IMG | Interferometric Monitor For Greenhouse Gases |
| IMHEX | Internally Manifolded Heat Exchanger (molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Design) |
| IMMA | Ion Microprobe Mass Analysis |
| IMO | International Maritime Organization |
| IMO | Intermolecular Mol. Orbital |
| IMOA | Iterative Maximum Overlap Approximation |
| IMOM | Iterative Method Of Maximum Overlap |
| IMOMM | Integrated Molecular Orbital Molecular Mechanics [MO Modeling] |
| IMOMO | Integrated Molecular Orbital And Molecular Orbital |
| IMP | Inosine 5'-phosphate |
| IMPACT | Integrated Model Of Plumes And Atmosphere In Complex Terrain |
| IMPATT | Impact Avalanche Transit-time |
| IMPDH | Inosine-5'-monophosphate Dehydrogenase |
| IMPEACH-MBC | Improved Performance Accordion Heteronuclear Multiple-bond Correlation |
| IMPPT | Interaction Moeller-Plesset Perturbation Theory |
| IMPPT | Intermolecular Moeller-Plesset Perturbation Theory |
| IMPROVE | Interagency Monitoring For Protected Visual Environments |
| IMPT | Intermolecular Perturbation Theory |
| IMROX | Immersed Rotation Oxidation |
| IMS | Incomplete Model Space (in Many-body Calcns.) |
| IMS | Intelligent Manufacturing Systems |
| IMS | Ion Mass Spectrometer |
| IMS | Ion Mobility Spectrometry |
| IMSD | Information Management And Services Division |
| IMSS | International Mass Spectrometry Society |
| IMT | Ion Microtomography |
| IMWIR | Interim Mixed Waste Inventory Report |
| IMXA | Ion Microprobe X-ray Analysis |
| INA | Ion Neutral Analysis |
| INAA | Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis |
| INADA | Investigational New Animal Drug Application |
| INADEQUATE | Incredible Natural Abundance Double Quantum Transfer Experiment |
| INCENP | Inner Centromere Protein |
| INCH | Indirectly-bonded Carbon-hydrogen Shift Correlation |
| INCI | International Nomenclature Cosmetic Ingredient |
| INCRA | International Cooper Research Association |
| IND | Investigational New Drug |