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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 14

 Acronym Meaning
ALPSAirborne Laser Polarization Sensor
ALPSAutoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome
ALRAllergenic Effects
ALRAirlift-loop Reactor
ALRAugmenter Of Liver Regeneration
ALRSSAdvanced Land Remote Sensing System
ALSAdvanced Light Source
ALSAcetolactate Synthase
ALSAcid Labile Subunit
ALSAlternating Least Squares
ALSAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
ALSAntilymphocyte Serum
ALSAutonomous Listening Station
ALSCAdirondack Lakes Survey Corporation
ALSPAtmosphere And Land Surface Processes
ALTAlanine Aminotransferase
ALTERAcceptable Long-term Exposure Range
ALUArithmetic Logic Unit
ALWRAdvanced Light Water Reactor
AMArithmetic Mean
AM1Austin Model 1
AMAAmerican Medical Association
AMADActivity Median Aerodynamic Diameter
AMANDAAntarctic Muon And Neutrino Detector Array
AMAPArctic Monitoring And Assessment Program
AMAPAutomated Molecular Assembly Plant
AMBERAssisted Model Building With Energy Refinement
AMBIENSAtmospheric Mass Balance Of Industrially Emitted And Natural Sulfur
AMBRAnaerobic Migrating Blanket Reactor [for Wastewater Treatment]
AMCAdvanced Molding Compound
AMCAirborne Molecular Contamination
AMCAlkyd Molding Compound
AMCOAge-momentum Correlation
AMCORAtlantic Margin Coring Project
AMDAcid Mine Drainage
AMDAge-related Macular Degeneration
AMDAutomated Multiple Development
AMDCBApplied Moment-Double Cantilever Beam
AMDIAtom Monopole-dipole Interaction
AMDQWAsymmetric Modulation Doped Quantum Well
AMEApparent Metabolizable Energy
AMEApparent Mineralocorticoid Excess
AMELActive-matrix Electroluminescent
AMEMA.D.L. Migration Estimation Model
AMESAAdsorption Method For Sampling Of Dioxins
AMIActive Microwave Instrument
AMIAcute Myocardial Infarction
AMIAAmerican Medical Informatics Association
AMIEAdvanced Moon Micro-Imager Experiment
AMIPAtmospheric Model Intercomparison Project

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