| Acronym | Meaning |
| ALPS | Airborne Laser Polarization Sensor |
| ALPS | Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome |
| ALR | Allergenic Effects |
| ALR | Airlift-loop Reactor |
| ALR | Augmenter Of Liver Regeneration |
| ALRSS | Advanced Land Remote Sensing System |
| ALS | Advanced Light Source |
| ALS | Acetolactate Synthase |
| ALS | Acid Labile Subunit |
| ALS | Alternating Least Squares |
| ALS | Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis |
| ALS | Antilymphocyte Serum |
| ALS | Autonomous Listening Station |
| ALSC | Adirondack Lakes Survey Corporation |
| ALSP | Atmosphere And Land Surface Processes |
| ALT | Alanine Aminotransferase |
| ALTER | Acceptable Long-term Exposure Range |
| ALU | Arithmetic Logic Unit |
| ALWR | Advanced Light Water Reactor |
| AM | Arithmetic Mean |
| AM1 | Austin Model 1 |
| AMA | American Medical Association |
| AMAD | Activity Median Aerodynamic Diameter |
| AMANDA | Antarctic Muon And Neutrino Detector Array |
| AMAP | Arctic Monitoring And Assessment Program |
| AMAP | Automated Molecular Assembly Plant |
| AMBER | Assisted Model Building With Energy Refinement |
| AMBIENS | Atmospheric Mass Balance Of Industrially Emitted And Natural Sulfur |
| AMBR | Anaerobic Migrating Blanket Reactor [for Wastewater Treatment] |
| AMC | Advanced Molding Compound |
| AMC | Airborne Molecular Contamination |
| AMC | Alkyd Molding Compound |
| AMCO | Age-momentum Correlation |
| AMCOR | Atlantic Margin Coring Project |
| AMD | Acid Mine Drainage |
| AMD | Age-related Macular Degeneration |
| AMD | Automated Multiple Development |
| AMDCB | Applied Moment-Double Cantilever Beam |
| AMDI | Atom Monopole-dipole Interaction |
| AMDQW | Asymmetric Modulation Doped Quantum Well |
| AME | Apparent Metabolizable Energy |
| AME | Apparent Mineralocorticoid Excess |
| AMEL | Active-matrix Electroluminescent |
| AMEM | A.D.L. Migration Estimation Model |
| AMESA | Adsorption Method For Sampling Of Dioxins |
| AMI | Active Microwave Instrument |
| AMI | Acute Myocardial Infarction |
| AMIA | American Medical Informatics Association |
| AMIE | Advanced Moon Micro-Imager Experiment |
| AMIP | Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project |