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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 137

 Acronym Meaning
ICTSIsothermal Capacitance Transient Spectroscopy
ICTVInternational Committee On The Taxonomy Of Viruses
ICUIntensive Care Unit
ICVInitial Calibration Verification
ICVTImproved Canonical Variational Theory
ICWMInstitute Of Chemical Waste Management
ICZInitial Contact Zone(s)
ICZNInternational Commission On Zoological Nomenclature
IDInhibitory Dose
IDIsotope Dilution
IDAInternational Desalination Association
IDAIsotope Dilution Analysis
IDAInterdigitated Array (microelectrodes)
IDAIron Deficiency Anemia
IDAFInteracting Distributed Approximating Function (propagator
IDCNSInterdivisional Committee On Nomenclature And Symbols
IDDInsulin-dependent Diabetes
IDDIodine Deficiency Disorder
IDDBInvestigational Drugs Database
IDDMInsulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus
IDEInsulin Degrading Enzyme
IDEAIntegrated Data For Enforcement Analysis
IDEALInhalation, Deposition And Exhalation Of Aerosols In/from The Lungs
IDEALInternational Digital Electronic Access Library
IDFInternational Dairy Federation
IDFInsoluble Dietary Fiber
IDGEIsothermal Dendritic Growth Experiment
IDIIon Dipole Induced (potential Term In Potential Energy Surfaces) See Also LEPS-IDI
IDIMSInteractive Digital Image Manipulation System
IDLInstrument Detection Limit
IDLHImmediately Dangerous To Life Or Health
IDMAIsotopic Dilution And Mass Analysis
IDMSIntegrated DWPF Melter System
IDMSIsotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry
IDOInitial Dissolved Oxygen
IDOEInternational Decade Of Ocean Exploration
IDPInosine 5'-diphosphate
IDPInterplanetary Dust Particle
IDSAInfectious Diseases Society Of America
IDSRSIonization-detected Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy
IDTInterdigital Transducer
IDTIMSIsotope Diln. Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry
IDWSSDInternational Drinking Water Supply And Sanitation Decade (of UN
IEIon Exchange
IEIonization Energy
IEAIndustrial Environmental Association
IEAInternational Energy Agency
IEAESIon Excited Auger Electron Spectroscopy
IECInertial Electrostatic Confinement
IECIon-exchange Chromatography

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