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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 135

 Acronym Meaning
ICAM-1Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1
ICAMEInternational Commission On Application Of Moessbauer Effect
ICAOInternational Civil Aviation Organization
ICAPInductively Coupled Argon Plasma
ICAPESInductively Coupled Argon Plasma Emission Spectrometry
ICARUSImaging Cosmic And Rare Underground Signal
ICATIsotope-coded Affinity Tag
ICBIonized Cluster Beam
ICBAImproved (final-state) Coulomb Born Approximation
ICBNInternational Code Of Botanical Nomenclature
ICBOInternational Conference Of Building Officials
ICCInterstitial Cells Of Cajal
ICCIntrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma
ICCIntegrated Cell Culture
ICCInterstate Commerce Commission
ICCIgnition Control Compound
ICCIntraatomic Correlation Correction
ICCAInternational Council Of Chemical Associations
ICCDIntensified Charge-coupled Device
ICCIDDInternational Council For Control Of Iodine Deficiency Disorders
ICCPInternational Climate Change Partnership
ICCPInternational Committee For Coal Petrology
ICCVAMUS Interagency Coordination Committee On The Validation Of Alternative Methods
ICDInternational Classification Of Diseases
ICDImplantable Cardioverter Defibrillator
ICDInduced Circular Dichroism
ICDDInternational Center For Diffraction Data
ICDHIsocitrate Dehydrogenase
ICDWIncommensurate Charge Density Wave
ICEInternational Common Elements
ICEInterleukin 1beta-converting Enzyme
ICEASIntermittent Cycle Extended Aeration System (activated Sludge)
ICESInternational Council For The Exploration Of The Sea
ICFInertial Confinement Fusion
ICF-CIInteracting Correlated Fragment-CI (wave Function) (see Also SA-MCSCF)
ICGCCIntegrated Coal Gasification Combined Cycle Plant
ICHInternational Conference On Harmonization
ICHAZIntercritical Heat-affected Zone
ICIIndustrial, Commercial, And Institutional
ICISSImpact Collision Ion Scattering Spectroscopy
ICLInterface Control Layer
ICLASIntracavity Laser Absorption Spectroscopy
ICLSIntracavity Laser Spectroscopy
ICMInstitute For Crisis Management
ICMInjection Compression Molding
ICMInner Cell Mass
ICMIntracluster Medium
ICMAImmunochemiluminometric Assay
ICMRIndian Council Of Medical Research
ICMRCIInternally Contracted MR-CI

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