| Acronym | Meaning |
| HUPO | Human Proteome Organization |
| HUVEC | Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cell |
| HV | Vickers Hardness Number |
| HVA | Homovanillic Acid |
| HVAC | Heating, Ventilating, Air-conditioning |
| HVDB | Halogenated Volatile Disinfection By-products |
| HVEM | Herpesvirus Entry Mediator |
| HVEM | High-voltage Electron Microscopy |
| HVIC | High-voltage Integrated Circuit |
| HVIO | High Volume Industrial Organic |
| HVLP | High-volume Low Pressure [spray Gun] |
| HVOF | High-Velocity Oxygen Fuel |
| HVPE | Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy |
| HVT | Hypervirial Theory |
| HW | Hazardous Waste |
| HWAC | Hazardous Waste Action Coalition |
| HWC | Hazardous Waste Combustor |
| HWCVD | Hot Wire Chemical Vapor Deposition |
| HWD | Hazardous Waste Disposal |
| HWDMS | Hazardous Waste Data Management System |
| HWDU | Hazardous Waste Disposal Unit |
| HWERL | Hazardous Waste Engineering Research Laboratory (USEPA Cincinnati) |
| HWGTF | Hazardous Waste Groundwater Task Force |
| HWGTF | Hazardous Waste Groundwater Test Facility |
| HWHM | Half Width At Half-maximum |
| HWI | Hazardous Waste Incineration |
| HWIF | Hazardous Waste Incineration Facility Design And Modeling Computer Program |
| HWIR | Hazardous Waste Identification Rule |
| HWLT | Hazardous Waste Land Treatment |
| HWM | Hazardous Waste Management |
| HWR | Heavy Water Reactor |
| HWRA | Hazardous Waste Reduction Act |
| HWRAP | Hazardous Waste Remedial Actions Program |
| HWRIC | Hazardous Waste Research And Information Center |
| HWRTF | Hazardous Waste Restrictions Task Force |
| HWS | Hazardous Waste Site |
| HWSFC | Hazardous Waste Superfund Collection |
| HWSFD | Hazardous Waste Superfund Database |
| HWTC | Hazardous Waste Treatment Council |
| HY-CI | Hylleraas-configuration Interaction |
| HY-CIVB | Hylleraas-configuration Interaction Valence Bond |
| HYPS | Hybrid Plasma Spraying |
| HYSCORE | Hyperfine Sublevel Correlation Spectroscopy |
| HYTEC | Hydrogen Thermoelectrochemical Converter (regenerative Fuel Cell) |
| HZ | Hertz (one Cycle Per Second) |
| I AND C | Instrumentation And Control |
| I&C | Instrumentation And Control |
| I-TE | International Toxicity Equiv. |
| I-TEF | International Toxicity Equvalency Factor |
| I-TEQ | International Toxic Equivalent |